vB_Registry Object ( [datastore] => vB_Datastore Object ( [defaultitems] => Array ( [0] => navdata [1] => options [2] => bitfields [3] => attachmentcache [4] => forumcache [5] => usergroupcache [6] => stylecache [7] => languagecache [8] => products [9] => pluginlist [10] => cron [11] => profilefield [12] => loadcache [13] => noticecache [14] => activitystream [15] => routes ) [registry] => vB_Registry Object *RECURSION* [dbobject] => vB_Database_MySQLi Object ( [functions] => Array ( [connect] => mysqli_real_connect [pconnect] => mysqli_real_connect [select_db] => mysqli_select_db [query] => mysqli_query [query_unbuffered] => mysqli_unbuffered_query [fetch_row] => mysqli_fetch_row [fetch_array] => mysqli_fetch_array [fetch_field] => mysqli_fetch_field [free_result] => mysqli_free_result [data_seek] => mysqli_data_seek [error] => mysqli_error [errno] => mysqli_errno [affected_rows] => mysqli_affected_rows [num_rows] => mysqli_num_rows [num_fields] => mysqli_num_fields [field_name] => mysqli_field_tell [insert_id] => mysqli_insert_id [escape_string] => mysqli_real_escape_string [real_escape_string] => mysqli_real_escape_string [close] => mysqli_close [client_encoding] => mysqli_character_set_name [ping] => mysqli_ping [get_server_info] => mysqli_get_server_info ) [fetchtypes] => Array ( [2] => 2 [1] => 1 [0] => 3 ) [registry] => vB_Registry Object *RECURSION* [appname] => vBulletin [appshortname] => vBulletin [database] => zs_forum [connection_master] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 8.0.30 [client_version] => 80030 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 16 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 10.5.23-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 [server_version] => 100523 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 43128061 [warning_count] => 0 ) [connection_slave] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 8.0.30 [client_version] => 80030 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 16 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 10.5.23-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 [server_version] => 100523 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 43128061 [warning_count] => 0 ) [connection_recent] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 8.0.30 [client_version] => 80030 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 16 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 10.5.23-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 [server_version] => 100523 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 43128061 [warning_count] => 0 ) [multiserver] => [shutdownqueries] => Array ( ) [sql] => [reporterror] => 1 [error] => [errno] => 0 [maxpacket] => 0 [locked] => [querycount] => 6 ) [prefix] => [checked_options] => 1 ) [input] => vB_Input_Cleaner Object ( [shortvars] => Array ( [f] => forumid [t] => threadid [p] => postid [u] => userid [a] => announcementid [c] => calendarid [e] => eventid [q] => query [pp] => perpage [page] => pagenumber [sort] => sortfield [order] => sortorder ) [superglobal_lookup] => Array ( [g] => _GET [p] => _POST [r] => _REQUEST [c] => _COOKIE [s] => _SERVER [e] => _ENV [f] => _FILES ) [scriptpath] => [reloadurl] => [wolpath] => [url] => [ipaddress] => [alt_ip] => [registry] => vB_Registry Object *RECURSION* [cleaned_vars] => Array ( [vbulletin_collapse] => 7 [bb_referrerid] => 3 [bb_userid] => 3 [bb_password] => 7 [bb_lastvisit] => 3 [bb_lastactivity] => 3 [bb_threadedmode] => 9 [bb_sessionhash] => 9 [bb_userstyleid] => 2 [bb_languageid] => 3 [bb_skipmobilestyle] => 1 [s] => 9 [styleid] => 2 [langid] => 2 [api] => 0 [referrerid] => 3 [a] => 7 [nojs] => 1 [ajax] => 1 [postid] => 3 [threadid] => 3 [forumid] => 2 [pollid] => 3 [dofbredirect] => 1 [find] => 7 [moderatorid] => 3 [userid] => 3 [username] => 9 [token] => 7 ) [friendly_uri] => 40-Eznxuhzpn ) [db] => vB_Database_MySQLi Object ( [functions] => Array ( [connect] => mysqli_real_connect [pconnect] => mysqli_real_connect [select_db] => mysqli_select_db [query] => mysqli_query [query_unbuffered] => mysqli_unbuffered_query [fetch_row] => mysqli_fetch_row [fetch_array] => mysqli_fetch_array [fetch_field] => mysqli_fetch_field [free_result] => mysqli_free_result [data_seek] => mysqli_data_seek [error] => mysqli_error [errno] => mysqli_errno [affected_rows] => mysqli_affected_rows [num_rows] => mysqli_num_rows [num_fields] => mysqli_num_fields [field_name] => mysqli_field_tell [insert_id] => mysqli_insert_id [escape_string] => mysqli_real_escape_string [real_escape_string] => mysqli_real_escape_string [close] => mysqli_close [client_encoding] => mysqli_character_set_name [ping] => mysqli_ping [get_server_info] => mysqli_get_server_info ) [fetchtypes] => Array ( [2] => 2 [1] => 1 [0] => 3 ) [registry] => vB_Registry Object *RECURSION* [appname] => vBulletin [appshortname] => vBulletin [database] => zs_forum [connection_master] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 8.0.30 [client_version] => 80030 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 16 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 10.5.23-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 [server_version] => 100523 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 43128061 [warning_count] => 0 ) [connection_slave] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 8.0.30 [client_version] => 80030 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 16 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 10.5.23-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 [server_version] => 100523 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 43128061 [warning_count] => 0 ) [connection_recent] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 8.0.30 [client_version] => 80030 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 16 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 10.5.23-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 [server_version] => 100523 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 43128061 [warning_count] => 0 ) [multiserver] => [shutdownqueries] => Array ( ) [sql] => [reporterror] => 1 [error] => [errno] => 0 [maxpacket] => 0 [locked] => [querycount] => 6 ) [userinfo] => Array ( [userid] => 0 [usergroupid] => 1 [username] => Invité [password] => [email] => [styleid] => 2 [languageid] => 2 [lastactivity] => 1722248088 [daysprune] => 0 [timezoneoffset] => 1 [dstonoff] => 1 [showsignatures] => 1 [showavatars] => 1 [showimages] => 1 [showusercss] => 1 [dstauto] => 0 [maxposts] => -1 [startofweek] => 1 [threadedmode] => 0 [securitytoken] => guest [securitytoken_raw] => guest [realstyleid] => 2 [options] => 1048647 [lang_options] => 1 [lang_code] => fr [lang_charset] => UTF-8 [lang_locale] => french [lang_imagesoverride] => [lang_dateoverride] => %d/%m/%Y [lang_timeoverride] => %Hh%M [lang_registereddateoverride] => %B %Y [lang_calformat1override] => %d %B %Y [lang_calformat2override] => %d %B [lang_logdateoverride] => %Y-%m-%d %X [lang_decimalsep] => , [lang_thousandsep] => _ [lastvisit] => 1722248088 [tzoffset] => +2 [permissions] => Array ( [usergroupid] => 1 [title] => Non inscrits / Non connectés [description] => [usertitle] => Invité [passwordexpires] => 0 [passwordhistory] => 0 [pmquota] => 50 [pmsendmax] => 0 [opentag] => [closetag] => [canoverride] => 0 [ispublicgroup] => 0 [forumpermissions] => 655367 [pmpermissions] => 0 [calendarpermissions] => 1 [wolpermissions] => 0 [adminpermissions] => 0 [genericpermissions] => 65 [genericoptions] => 104 [attachlimit] => 0 [avatarmaxwidth] => -1 [avatarmaxheight] => -1 [avatarmaxsize] => -1 [profilepicmaxwidth] => -1 [profilepicmaxheight] => -1 [profilepicmaxsize] => -1 [arcadepermissions] => 1 [signaturepermissions] => 0 [sigpicmaxwidth] => -1 [sigpicmaxheight] => -1 [sigpicmaxsize] => -1 [sigmaximages] => -1 [sigmaxsizebbcode] => -1 [sigmaxchars] => -1 [sigmaxrawchars] => -1 [sigmaxlines] => -1 [minpoststoplay] => 0 [minreptoplay] => -1000 [minreglengthtoplay] => 0 [ptpermissions] => 80 [vbblog_general_permissions] => 516464 [vbblog_entry_permissions] => 40448 [vbblog_comment_permissions] => 3008 [visitormessagepermissions] => 16 [socialgrouppermissions] => 133329 [usercsspermissions] => 160 [albumpermissions] => 192 [albumpicmaxwidth] => 600 [albumpicmaxheight] => 600 [albummaxpics] => 100 [albummaxsize] => 0 [genericpermissions2] => 0 [vbblog_customblocks] => 0 [vbblog_custompages] => 0 [pmthrottlequantity] => 0 [groupiconmaxsize] => 65535 [maximumsocialgroups] => 5 [memarea_permissions] => 0 [memarea_helpdesk_permissions] => 0 [vbcmspermissions] => 0 [sigmaxvideos] => -1 [panjo_can_sell] => 1 [panjo_transaction_fee] => [panjo_listing_fee] => [importusergroupid] => 0 [vbstatistics_permissions] => 0 ) [forumpermissions] => Array ( [13] => 655367 [1] => 655367 [2] => 655367 [5] => 655367 [12] => 655367 [6] => 655367 [7] => 655367 [8] => 655367 [9] => 655367 [10] => 655367 [11] => 655367 [15] => 655367 [3] => 0 [4] => 0 [14] => 0 ) [attachmentextensions] => bmp diff doc gif jpe jpeg jpg patch pdf png psd txt xml zip [attachmentpermissions] => Array ( [bmp] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 280 [width] => 620 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [diff] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [15] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [21] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [doc] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) ) ) [gif] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 280 [width] => 620 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [jpe] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 280 [width] => 620 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [jpeg] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 280 [width] => 620 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [jpg] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 100000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [patch] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [15] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [21] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [pdf] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) ) ) [png] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 280 [width] => 620 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [psd] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) ) ) [txt] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) ) ) [xml] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [15] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [21] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [zip] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 100000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) ) ) ) ) [session] => vB_Session Object ( [vars] => Array ( [sessionhash] => [userid] => 0 [host] => [idhash] => a0db4a7f459cef6f61d7577882c326e8 [lastactivity] => 1722248089 [location] => /members/40-Eznxuhzpn?tab=activitystream&type=friends [useragent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com) [styleid] => 0 [languageid] => 0 [loggedin] => 0 [inforum] => 0 [inthread] => 0 [incalendar] => 0 [badlocation] => 0 [bypass] => 0 [profileupdate] => 0 [apiclientid] => 0 [apiaccesstoken] => [isbot] => 0 [dbsessionhash] => ec34b75bb542aa74400d240944386326 [sessionurl] => [sessionurl_q] => [sessionurl_js] => ) [db_fields] => Array ( [sessionhash] => 7 [userid] => 2 [host] => 7 [idhash] => 7 [lastactivity] => 2 [location] => 7 [styleid] => 2 [languageid] => 2 [loggedin] => 2 [inforum] => 2 [inthread] => 2 [incalendar] => 2 [badlocation] => 2 [useragent] => 7 [bypass] => 2 [profileupdate] => 2 [apiclientid] => 2 [apiaccesstoken] => 7 ) [changes] => Array ( [lastactivity] => 1 [location] => 1 ) [created] => [registry] => vB_Registry Object *RECURSION* [userinfo] => Array ( [userid] => 0 [usergroupid] => 1 [username] => Invité [password] => [email] => [styleid] => 2 [languageid] => 2 [lastactivity] => 1722248088 [daysprune] => 0 [timezoneoffset] => 1 [dstonoff] => 1 [showsignatures] => 1 [showavatars] => 1 [showimages] => 1 [showusercss] => 1 [dstauto] => 0 [maxposts] => -1 [startofweek] => 1 [threadedmode] => 0 [securitytoken] => guest [securitytoken_raw] => guest [realstyleid] => 2 [options] => 1048647 [lang_options] => 1 [lang_code] => fr [lang_charset] => UTF-8 [lang_locale] => french [lang_imagesoverride] => [lang_dateoverride] => %d/%m/%Y [lang_timeoverride] => %Hh%M [lang_registereddateoverride] => %B %Y [lang_calformat1override] => %d %B %Y [lang_calformat2override] => %d %B [lang_logdateoverride] => %Y-%m-%d %X [lang_decimalsep] => , [lang_thousandsep] => _ [lastvisit] => 1722248088 [tzoffset] => +2 [permissions] => Array ( [usergroupid] => 1 [title] => Non inscrits / Non connectés [description] => [usertitle] => Invité [passwordexpires] => 0 [passwordhistory] => 0 [pmquota] => 50 [pmsendmax] => 0 [opentag] => [closetag] => [canoverride] => 0 [ispublicgroup] => 0 [forumpermissions] => 655367 [pmpermissions] => 0 [calendarpermissions] => 1 [wolpermissions] => 0 [adminpermissions] => 0 [genericpermissions] => 65 [genericoptions] => 104 [attachlimit] => 0 [avatarmaxwidth] => -1 [avatarmaxheight] => -1 [avatarmaxsize] => -1 [profilepicmaxwidth] => -1 [profilepicmaxheight] => -1 [profilepicmaxsize] => -1 [arcadepermissions] => 1 [signaturepermissions] => 0 [sigpicmaxwidth] => -1 [sigpicmaxheight] => -1 [sigpicmaxsize] => -1 [sigmaximages] => -1 [sigmaxsizebbcode] => -1 [sigmaxchars] => -1 [sigmaxrawchars] => -1 [sigmaxlines] => -1 [minpoststoplay] => 0 [minreptoplay] => -1000 [minreglengthtoplay] => 0 [ptpermissions] => 80 [vbblog_general_permissions] => 516464 [vbblog_entry_permissions] => 40448 [vbblog_comment_permissions] => 3008 [visitormessagepermissions] => 16 [socialgrouppermissions] => 133329 [usercsspermissions] => 160 [albumpermissions] => 192 [albumpicmaxwidth] => 600 [albumpicmaxheight] => 600 [albummaxpics] => 100 [albummaxsize] => 0 [genericpermissions2] => 0 [vbblog_customblocks] => 0 [vbblog_custompages] => 0 [pmthrottlequantity] => 0 [groupiconmaxsize] => 65535 [maximumsocialgroups] => 5 [memarea_permissions] => 0 [memarea_helpdesk_permissions] => 0 [vbcmspermissions] => 0 [sigmaxvideos] => -1 [panjo_can_sell] => 1 [panjo_transaction_fee] => [panjo_listing_fee] => [importusergroupid] => 0 [vbstatistics_permissions] => 0 ) [forumpermissions] => Array ( [13] => 655367 [1] => 655367 [2] => 655367 [5] => 655367 [12] => 655367 [6] => 655367 [7] => 655367 [8] => 655367 [9] => 655367 [10] => 655367 [11] => 655367 [15] => 655367 [3] => 0 [4] => 0 [14] => 0 ) [attachmentextensions] => bmp diff doc gif jpe jpeg jpg patch pdf png psd txt xml zip [attachmentpermissions] => Array ( [bmp] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 280 [width] => 620 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [diff] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [15] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [21] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [doc] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) ) ) [gif] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 280 [width] => 620 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [jpe] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 280 [width] => 620 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [jpeg] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 280 [width] => 620 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [jpg] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 100000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [patch] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [15] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [21] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [pdf] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) ) ) [png] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 280 [width] => 620 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [psd] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) ) ) [txt] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) ) ) [xml] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 20000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [15] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) [21] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) ) ) [zip] => Array ( [permissions] => 1 [size] => 100000 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [contenttypes] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [n] => 0 [e] => 0 ) ) ) ) ) [visible] => ) [csrf_skip_list] => Array ( ) [config] => Array ( [debugcode] => [Database] => Array ( [dbtype] => mysqli [dbname] => zs_forum [tableprefix] => zs_ [technicalemail] => dbmaster@zelda-series.net [force_sql_mode] => [no_force_sql_mode] => 1 ) [MasterServer] => Array ( [servername] => localhost [port] => 3306 [username] => pitchoune_user [password] => ycpeial392 [usepconnect] => 0 ) [SlaveServer] => Array ( [servername] => [port] => 3306 [username] => [password] => [usepconnect] => 0 ) [Misc] => Array ( [admincpdir] => admincp [modcpdir] => modcp [cookieprefix] => [forumpath] => [debug] => [upgrade_autoproceed] => full ) [SpecialUsers] => Array ( [canviewadminlog] => 1 [canpruneadminlog] => 1 [canrunqueries] => 1 [undeletableusers] => 1 [superadministrators] => 1 ) [Mysqli] => Array ( [ini_file] => ) [sphinx] => Array ( [host] => [port] => 3312 [path] => /usr/local/sphinx/sites/zelda-series.net ) ) [GPC] => Array ( [vbulletin_collapse] => [bb_referrerid] => 0 [bb_userid] => 0 [bb_password] => [bb_lastvisit] => 1722248088 [bb_lastactivity] => 0 [bb_threadedmode] => [bb_sessionhash] => [bb_userstyleid] => 0 [bb_languageid] => 0 [bb_skipmobilestyle] => 0 [s] => 6433c4f859dccdd4e1338dde8a353a5b [styleid] => 0 [langid] => 0 [api] => [referrerid] => 0 [a] => [nojs] => 0 [ajax] => 0 [postid] => 0 [threadid] => 0 [forumid] => 0 [pollid] => 0 [dofbredirect] => 0 [find] => [moderatorid] => 0 [userid] => 40 [username] => [token] => ) [GPC_exists] => Array ( [vbulletin_collapse] => [bb_referrerid] => [bb_userid] => [bb_password] => [bb_lastvisit] => 1 [bb_lastactivity] => 1 [bb_threadedmode] => [bb_sessionhash] => [bb_userstyleid] => [bb_languageid] => [bb_skipmobilestyle] => [s] => 1 [styleid] => [langid] => [api] => [referrerid] => [a] => [nojs] => [ajax] => [postid] => [threadid] => [forumid] => [pollid] => [dofbredirect] => [find] => [moderatorid] => [userid] => 1 [username] => [token] => ) [superglobal_size] => Array ( [_GET] => 4 [_POST] => 0 [_REQUEST] => 4 [_COOKIE] => 2 [_SERVER] => 32 [_ENV] => 0 [_FILES] => 0 ) [ipaddress] => [alt_ip] => [scriptpath] => /members/40-Eznxuhzpn?tab=activitystream&type=friends [basepath] => [wolpath] => /members/40-Eznxuhzpn?tab=activitystream&type=friends [script] => /member.php [url] => forum.php [bf_ugp] => Array ( [vbblog_general_permissions] => Array ( [blog_canmanageblogcomments] => 2 [blog_cansendpingback] => 4 [blog_canreceivepingback] => 8 [blog_cansearch] => 16 [blog_canviewown] => 32 [blog_canviewothers] => 64 [blog_cancreatecategory] => 128 [blog_canviewcategory] => 256 [blog_canpostcategory] => 512 [blog_canhavegroupblog] => 1024 [blog_canjoingroupblog] => 2048 [blog_cancustomizeblog] => 4096 [blog_caneditfontfamily] => 8192 [blog_caneditfontsize] => 16384 [blog_caneditcolors] => 32768 [blog_caneditbgimage] => 65536 [blog_caneditborders] => 131072 [blog_canemail] => 262144 ) [vbblog_entry_permissions] => Array ( [blog_canpost] => 4 [blog_caneditentry] => 8 [blog_candeleteentry] => 16 [blog_canremoveentry] => 16384 [blog_canpostattach] => 32 [blog_cangetattach] => 64 [blog_cantagown] => 1 [blog_cantagothers] => 2 [blog_candeletetagown] => 128 [blog_cancreatetag] => 256 [blog_followpostmoderation] => 512 [blog_allowsmilies] => 1024 [blog_allowbbcode] => 2048 [blog_allowimages] => 4096 [blog_allowvideos] => 32768 [blog_allowhtml] => 8192 ) [vbblog_comment_permissions] => Array ( [blog_cancommentown] => 2 [blog_cancommentothers] => 4 [blog_caneditowncomment] => 8 [blog_candeleteowncomment] => 16 [blog_followcommentmoderation] => 64 [blog_allowsmilies] => 128 [blog_allowbbcode] => 256 [blog_allowimages] => 512 [blog_allowvideos] => 2048 [blog_allowhtml] => 1024 ) [arcadepermissions] => Array ( [canviewarcade] => 1 [canplayarcade] => 2 [canpostcomments] => 4 [caneditowncomments] => 8 [caneditanycomments] => 16 [candeleteownscores] => 32 [candeleteanyscores] => 64 [canoverridepermissions] => 128 ) [memarea_permissions] => Array ( [memarea_active] => 1 [canmoderate_memarea] => 2 [candownloadfiles] => 4 [canbuy] => 8 ) [ptpermissions] => Array ( [canviewprojecttools] => 16 [cancreatereport] => 1 [cancreatepublicreport] => 2 [candeletepublicreportown] => 4 [candeletepublicreportothers] => 8 [cancustomtag] => 32 [canusehumancheck] => 64 [canimportintoissues] => 128 [canexportfromissues] => 256 ) [adminpermissions] => Array ( [canadminportal] => 16777216 [ismoderator] => 1 [cancontrolpanel] => 2 [canadminsettings] => 4 [canadminstyles] => 8 [canadminlanguages] => 16 [canadminforums] => 32 [canadminthreads] => 64 [canadmincalendars] => 128 [canadminusers] => 256 [canadminpermissions] => 512 [canadminfaq] => 1024 [canadminimages] => 2048 [canadminbbcodes] => 4096 [canadmincron] => 8192 [canadminmaintain] => 16384 [canadminplugins] => 65536 [canadminnotices] => 131072 [canadminmodlog] => 262144 [cansitemap] => 524288 [canadminads] => 1048576 [canadmintags] => 2097152 [canadminblocks] => 4194304 [cansetdefaultprofile] => 8388608 ) [forumpermissions] => Array ( [canview] => 1 [canviewthreads] => 524288 [canviewothers] => 2 [cansearch] => 4 [canemail] => 8 [canpostnew] => 16 [canreplyown] => 32 [canreplyothers] => 64 [caneditpost] => 128 [candeletepost] => 256 [candeletethread] => 512 [canopenclose] => 1024 [canmove] => 2048 [cangetattachment] => 4096 [canpostattachment] => 8192 [canpostpoll] => 16384 [canvote] => 32768 [canthreadrate] => 65536 [followforummoderation] => 131072 [canseedelnotice] => 262144 [cantagown] => 1048576 [cantagothers] => 2097152 [candeletetagown] => 4194304 [canseethumbnails] => 8388608 [canattachmentcss] => 16777216 [bypassdoublepost] => 33554432 [canwrtmembers] => 67108864 ) [pmpermissions] => Array ( [cantrackpm] => 1 [candenypmreceipts] => 2 [canignorequota] => 4 ) [calendarpermissions] => Array ( [canviewcalendar] => 1 [canpostevent] => 2 [caneditevent] => 4 [candeleteevent] => 8 [canviewothersevent] => 16 [isnotmoderated] => 32 ) [wolpermissions] => Array ( [canwhosonline] => 1 [canwhosonlineip] => 2 [canwhosonlinefull] => 4 [canwhosonlinebad] => 8 [canwhosonlinelocation] => 16 ) [genericpermissions] => Array ( [canviewmembers] => 1 [canmodifyprofile] => 2 [caninvisible] => 4 [canviewothersusernotes] => 8 [canmanageownusernotes] => 16 [canseehidden] => 32 [canbeusernoted] => 64 [canprofilepic] => 128 [cananimateprofilepic] => 134217728 [canuseavatar] => 512 [cananimateavatar] => 67108864 [canusesignature] => 1024 [canusecustomtitle] => 2048 [canseeprofilepic] => 4096 [canviewownusernotes] => 8192 [canmanageothersusernotes] => 16384 [canpostownusernotes] => 32768 [canpostothersusernotes] => 65536 [caneditownusernotes] => 131072 [canseehiddencustomfields] => 262144 [canseeownrep] => 256 [canuserep] => 524288 [canhiderep] => 1048576 [cannegativerep] => 2097152 [cangiveinfraction] => 4194304 [canseeinfraction] => 8388608 [cangivearbinfraction] => 536870912 [canreverseinfraction] => 16777216 [cansearchft_bool] => 33554432 [canemailmember] => 268435456 [cancreatetag] => 1073741824 ) [genericpermissions2] => Array ( [canusefriends] => 1 [canprofilerep] => 2 [canwgomembers] => 4 ) [albumpermissions] => Array ( [canalbum] => 1 [canviewalbum] => 2 [picturefollowforummoderation] => 128 [canpiccomment] => 4 [caneditownpiccomment] => 8 [candeleteownpiccomment] => 16 [canmanagepiccomment] => 32 [commentfollowforummoderation] => 64 ) [usercsspermissions] => Array ( [caneditfontfamily] => 1 [caneditfontsize] => 2 [caneditcolors] => 4 [caneditbgimage] => 8 [caneditborders] => 16 [caneditprivacy] => 32 [cancustomize] => 128 ) [genericoptions] => Array ( [showgroup] => 1 [showbirthday] => 2 [showmemberlist] => 4 [showeditedby] => 8 [allowmembergroups] => 16 [isnotbannedgroup] => 32 [requirehvcheck] => 64 ) [signaturepermissions] => Array ( [canbbcode] => 131072 [canbbcodebasic] => 1 [canbbcodecolor] => 2 [canbbcodesize] => 4 [canbbcodefont] => 8 [canbbcodealign] => 16 [canbbcodelist] => 32 [canbbcodelink] => 64 [canbbcodecode] => 128 [canbbcodephp] => 256 [canbbcodehtml] => 512 [canbbcodequote] => 1024 [allowimg] => 2048 [allowsmilies] => 4096 [allowhtml] => 8192 [cansigpic] => 32768 [cananimatesigpic] => 65536 [allowvideo] => 262144 ) [visitormessagepermissions] => Array ( [canmessageownprofile] => 1 [canmessageothersprofile] => 2 [caneditownmessages] => 4 [candeleteownmessages] => 8 [canmanageownprofile] => 32 [followforummoderation] => 16 ) [socialgrouppermissions] => Array ( [canjoingroups] => 1 [cancreategroups] => 2 [canmanageowngroups] => 256 [caneditowngroups] => 4 [candeleteowngroups] => 8 [canviewgroups] => 16 [canpostmessage] => 512 [canalwayspostmessage] => 128 [canmanagemessages] => 32 [cancreatediscussion] => 1024 [canalwayscreatediscussion] => 2048 [canlimitdiscussion] => 4096 [canmanagediscussions] => 8192 [followforummoderation] => 64 [canuploadgroupicon] => 16384 [cananimategroupicon] => 32768 [canupload] => 65536 [groupfollowforummoderation] => 131072 ) [vbstatistics_permissions] => Array ( [canviewstatistics] => 1 ) [memarea_helpdesk_permissions] => Array ( [canaccesshelpdesk] => 16 [canviewtickets] => 32 [canposttickets] => 64 [canreplytickets] => 128 [canclosetickets] => 256 ) ) [bf_ugp_adminpermissions] => Array ( [canadminportal] => 16777216 [ismoderator] => 1 [cancontrolpanel] => 2 [canadminsettings] => 4 [canadminstyles] => 8 [canadminlanguages] => 16 [canadminforums] => 32 [canadminthreads] => 64 [canadmincalendars] => 128 [canadminusers] => 256 [canadminpermissions] => 512 [canadminfaq] => 1024 [canadminimages] => 2048 [canadminbbcodes] => 4096 [canadmincron] => 8192 [canadminmaintain] => 16384 [canadminplugins] => 65536 [canadminnotices] => 131072 [canadminmodlog] => 262144 [cansitemap] => 524288 [canadminads] => 1048576 [canadmintags] => 2097152 [canadminblocks] => 4194304 [cansetdefaultprofile] => 8388608 ) [bf_ugp_calendarpermissions] => Array ( [canviewcalendar] => 1 [canpostevent] => 2 [caneditevent] => 4 [candeleteevent] => 8 [canviewothersevent] => 16 [isnotmoderated] => 32 ) [bf_ugp_forumpermissions] => Array ( [canview] => 1 [canviewthreads] => 524288 [canviewothers] => 2 [cansearch] => 4 [canemail] => 8 [canpostnew] => 16 [canreplyown] => 32 [canreplyothers] => 64 [caneditpost] => 128 [candeletepost] => 256 [candeletethread] => 512 [canopenclose] => 1024 [canmove] => 2048 [cangetattachment] => 4096 [canpostattachment] => 8192 [canpostpoll] => 16384 [canvote] => 32768 [canthreadrate] => 65536 [followforummoderation] => 131072 [canseedelnotice] => 262144 [cantagown] => 1048576 [cantagothers] => 2097152 [candeletetagown] => 4194304 [canseethumbnails] => 8388608 [canattachmentcss] => 16777216 [bypassdoublepost] => 33554432 [canwrtmembers] => 67108864 ) [bf_ugp_genericoptions] => Array ( [showgroup] => 1 [showbirthday] => 2 [showmemberlist] => 4 [showeditedby] => 8 [allowmembergroups] => 16 [isnotbannedgroup] => 32 [requirehvcheck] => 64 ) [bf_ugp_genericpermissions] => Array ( [canviewmembers] => 1 [canmodifyprofile] => 2 [caninvisible] => 4 [canviewothersusernotes] => 8 [canmanageownusernotes] => 16 [canseehidden] => 32 [canbeusernoted] => 64 [canprofilepic] => 128 [cananimateprofilepic] => 134217728 [canuseavatar] => 512 [cananimateavatar] => 67108864 [canusesignature] => 1024 [canusecustomtitle] => 2048 [canseeprofilepic] => 4096 [canviewownusernotes] => 8192 [canmanageothersusernotes] => 16384 [canpostownusernotes] => 32768 [canpostothersusernotes] => 65536 [caneditownusernotes] => 131072 [canseehiddencustomfields] => 262144 [canseeownrep] => 256 [canuserep] => 524288 [canhiderep] => 1048576 [cannegativerep] => 2097152 [cangiveinfraction] => 4194304 [canseeinfraction] => 8388608 [cangivearbinfraction] => 536870912 [canreverseinfraction] => 16777216 [cansearchft_bool] => 33554432 [canemailmember] => 268435456 [cancreatetag] => 1073741824 ) [bf_ugp_pmpermissions] => Array ( [cantrackpm] => 1 [candenypmreceipts] => 2 [canignorequota] => 4 ) [bf_ugp_wolpermissions] => Array ( [canwhosonline] => 1 [canwhosonlineip] => 2 [canwhosonlinefull] => 4 [canwhosonlinebad] => 8 [canwhosonlinelocation] => 16 ) [bf_ugp_visitormessagepermissions] => Array ( [canmessageownprofile] => 1 [canmessageothersprofile] => 2 [caneditownmessages] => 4 [candeleteownmessages] => 8 [canmanageownprofile] => 32 [followforummoderation] => 16 ) [bf_misc] => Array ( [intperms] => Array ( [vbblog_customblocks] => 0 [vbblog_custompages] => 0 [minpoststoplay] => 256 [minreptoplay] => 512 [minreglengthtoplay] => 1024 [attachlimit] => 1 [pmquota] => 0 [pmsendmax] => 1 [pmthrottlequantity] => 1 [profilepicmaxwidth] => 1 [profilepicmaxheight] => 1 [profilepicmaxsize] => 1 [avatarmaxwidth] => 1 [avatarmaxheight] => 1 [avatarmaxsize] => 1 [albumpicmaxwidth] => 1 [albumpicmaxheight] => 1 [albummaxpics] => 1 [albummaxsize] => 1 [sigmaxrawchars] => 1 [sigmaxchars] => 1 [sigmaxlines] => 1 [sigmaxsizebbcode] => 1 [sigmaximages] => 1 [sigpicmaxwidth] => 1 [sigpicmaxheight] => 1 [sigpicmaxsize] => 1 [sigmaxvideos] => 1 [maximumsocialgroups] => 1 [groupiconmaxsize] => 1 ) [vbbloggrouppermissions] => Array ( [caneditentry] => 1 [candeleteentry] => 2 [canremoveentry] => 4 [canmanagecomments] => 8 [canmanageotherentry] => 16 [moderateentries] => 32 ) [vbblogmoderatorpermissions] => Array ( [caneditentries] => 1 [candeleteentries] => 2 [canremoveentries] => 4 [canmoderateentries] => 8 [caneditcomments] => 16 [candeletecomments] => 32 [canremovecomments] => 64 [canmoderatecomments] => 128 [canviewips] => 256 [caneditcustomblocks] => 512 [caneditcategories] => 1024 ) [vbblogoptions] => Array ( [moderatecomments] => 1 [allowpingback] => 2 [allowcomments] => 4 [private] => 8 [membermoderate] => 16 ) [vbbloguseroptions] => Array ( [moderatecomments] => 1 [allowpingback] => 2 [allowcomments] => 4 ) [vbblogsocnetoptions] => Array ( [canviewmyblog] => 1 [cancommentmyblog] => 2 ) [vbblogregoptions] => Array ( [allowcomments] => 1 [moderatecomments] => 2 [allowpingback] => 4 [subscribe_none_entry] => 8 [subscribe_nonotify_entry] => 16 [subscribe_instant_entry] => 32 [subscribe_none_comment] => 64 [subscribe_nonotify_comment] => 128 [subscribe_instant_comment] => 256 [viewblog_buddy] => 512 [commentblog_buddy] => 1024 [viewblog_ignore] => 2048 [commentblog_ignore] => 4096 [viewblog_member] => 8192 [commentblog_member] => 16384 [viewblog_guest] => 32768 [commentblog_guest] => 65536 ) [vbblogblockoptions] => Array ( [block_search] => 1 [block_category] => 2 [block_comments] => 4 [block_entries] => 8 [block_visitors] => 16 [block_tagcloud] => 32 [block_archive] => 64 ) [arcadeoptions] => Array ( [allowchallenges] => 1 [autoaccept] => 2 [useemail] => 4 [usepms] => 8 [highscorebeaten] => 16 [newchallenge] => 32 [challengeaccepted] => 64 [challengedeclined] => 128 [finishedchallenge] => 256 ) [gamepermissions] => Array ( [isactive] => 1 [showaward] => 2 [enablechallenges] => 4 ) [mapermissions] => Array ( [canadminvbma] => 1 ) [pt_hvcheck] => Array ( [post] => 1 ) [pt_columns] => Array ( [last_post] => 1 [replies] => 2 [priority] => 4 [status] => 8 [category] => 16 [applyversion] => 32 [addressversion] => 64 ) [bbcodeoptions] => Array ( [strip_empty] => 1 [stop_parse] => 2 [disable_smilies] => 4 [disable_wordwrap] => 8 [disable_urlconversion] => 16 ) [calmoderatorpermissions] => Array ( [caneditevents] => 1 [candeleteevents] => 2 [canmoderateevents] => 4 [canviewips] => 8 [canmoveevents] => 16 ) [moderatorpermissions] => Array ( [caneditposts] => 1 [candeleteposts] => 2 [canopenclose] => 4 [caneditthreads] => 8 [canmanagethreads] => 16 [canannounce] => 32 [canmoderateposts] => 64 [canmoderateattachments] => 128 [canmassmove] => 256 [canmassprune] => 512 [canviewips] => 1024 [canviewprofile] => 2048 [canbanusers] => 4096 [canunbanusers] => 8192 [newthreademail] => 16384 [newpostemail] => 32768 [cansetpassword] => 65536 [canremoveposts] => 131072 [caneditsigs] => 262144 [caneditavatar] => 524288 [caneditpoll] => 1048576 [caneditprofilepic] => 2097152 [caneditreputation] => 4194304 ) [moderatorpermissions2] => Array ( [caneditvisitormessages] => 1 [candeletevisitormessages] => 2 [canremovevisitormessages] => 4 [canmoderatevisitormessages] => 8 [caneditalbumpicture] => 16 [candeletealbumpicture] => 32 [caneditsocialgroups] => 64 [candeletesocialgroups] => 128 [caneditgroupmessages] => 256 [candeletegroupmessages] => 512 [canremovegroupmessages] => 1024 [canmoderategroupmessages] => 2048 [canmoderatepicturecomments] => 4096 [candeletepicturecomments] => 8192 [canremovepicturecomments] => 16384 [caneditpicturecomments] => 32768 [canmoderatepictures] => 65536 [caneditdiscussions] => 131072 [candeletediscussions] => 262144 [canremovediscussions] => 524288 [canmoderatediscussions] => 1048576 [cantransfersocialgroups] => 2097152 [caneditgrouppicture] => 4194304 [candeletegrouppicture] => 8388608 [canmoderategrouppicture] => 16777216 ) [languageoptions] => Array ( [direction] => 1 [dirmark] => 2 ) [adminoptions] => Array ( [adminavatar] => 1 [adminprofilepic] => 2 ) [useroptions] => Array ( [showsignatures] => 1 [showavatars] => 2 [showimages] => 4 [coppauser] => 8 [adminemail] => 16 [showvcard] => 32 [dstauto] => 64 [dstonoff] => 128 [showemail] => 256 [invisible] => 512 [showreputation] => 1024 [receivepm] => 2048 [emailonpm] => 4096 [hasaccessmask] => 8192 [vbasset_enable] => 16384 [postorder] => 32768 [receivepmbuddies] => 131072 [noactivationmails] => 262144 [pmboxwarning] => 524288 [showusercss] => 1048576 [receivefriendemailrequest] => 2097152 [vm_enable] => 8388608 [vm_contactonly] => 16777216 [pmdefaultsavecopy] => 33554432 ) [forumoptions] => Array ( [active] => 1 [allowposting] => 2 [cancontainthreads] => 4 [moderatenewpost] => 8 [moderatenewthread] => 16 [moderateattach] => 32 [allowbbcode] => 64 [allowimages] => 128 [allowhtml] => 256 [allowsmilies] => 512 [allowicons] => 1024 [allowratings] => 2048 [countposts] => 4096 [canhavepassword] => 8192 [indexposts] => 16384 [styleoverride] => 32768 [showonforumjump] => 65536 [prefixrequired] => 131072 [allowvideos] => 262144 [bypassdp] => 524288 [displaywrt] => 1048576 [canreputation] => 2097152 ) [regoptions] => Array ( [adminemail] => 1 [invisiblemode] => 2 [receiveemail] => 4 [enablepm] => 8 [emailonpm] => 16 [pmpopup] => 32 [vbcode_none] => 64 [vbcode_standard] => 128 [vbcode_enhanced] => 256 [subscribe_none] => 512 [subscribe_nonotify] => 1024 [subscribe_instant] => 2048 [subscribe_daily] => 4096 [subscribe_weekly] => 8192 [vcard] => 16384 [signature] => 32768 [avatar] => 65536 [image] => 131072 [thread_linear_oldest] => 262144 [thread_linear_newest] => 524288 [thread_threaded] => 1048576 [thread_hybrid] => 2097152 [showreputation] => 4194304 [vm_enable] => 8388608 [vm_contactonly] => 16777216 [pmdefaultsavecopy] => 33554432 [vbasset_enable] => 67108864 ) [announcementoptions] => Array ( [allowbbcode] => 1 [allowhtml] => 2 [allowsmilies] => 4 [parseurl] => 8 [signature] => 16 ) [feedoptions] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [searchboth] => 2 [stickthread] => 8 [unstickthread] => 16 [closethread] => 32 [allowsmilies] => 64 [showsignature] => 128 [allowhtml] => 256 [moderatethread] => 512 [html2bbcode] => 1024 [matchall] => 2048 ) [socnet] => Array ( [enable_groups] => 1 [enable_albums] => 2 [enable_friends] => 4 [enable_visitor_tracking] => 8 [enable_visitor_messaging] => 16 [enable_profile_styling] => 32 [enable_profile_reputation] => 64 ) [socialgroupoptions] => Array ( [owner_mod_queue] => 1 [join_to_view] => 2 [enable_group_messages] => 4 [enable_group_albums] => 8 [only_owner_discussions] => 16 ) [prefixoptions] => Array ( [deny_by_default] => 1 ) [hvcheck] => Array ( [register] => 1 [post] => 2 [search] => 4 [contactus] => 8 [lostpw] => 16 ) [navstate] => Array ( [active] => 1 [edited] => 2 [deleted] => 4 [default] => 8 [protected] => 16 [usetabid] => 32 [newpage] => 64 ) ) [bf_misc_calmoderatorpermissions] => Array ( [caneditevents] => 1 [candeleteevents] => 2 [canmoderateevents] => 4 [canviewips] => 8 [canmoveevents] => 16 ) [bf_misc_forumoptions] => Array ( [active] => 1 [allowposting] => 2 [cancontainthreads] => 4 [moderatenewpost] => 8 [moderatenewthread] => 16 [moderateattach] => 32 [allowbbcode] => 64 [allowimages] => 128 [allowhtml] => 256 [allowsmilies] => 512 [allowicons] => 1024 [allowratings] => 2048 [countposts] => 4096 [canhavepassword] => 8192 [indexposts] => 16384 [styleoverride] => 32768 [showonforumjump] => 65536 [prefixrequired] => 131072 [allowvideos] => 262144 [bypassdp] => 524288 [displaywrt] => 1048576 [canreputation] => 2097152 ) [bf_misc_intperms] => Array ( [vbblog_customblocks] => 0 [vbblog_custompages] => 0 [minpoststoplay] => 256 [minreptoplay] => 512 [minreglengthtoplay] => 1024 [attachlimit] => 1 [pmquota] => 0 [pmsendmax] => 1 [pmthrottlequantity] => 1 [profilepicmaxwidth] => 1 [profilepicmaxheight] => 1 [profilepicmaxsize] => 1 [avatarmaxwidth] => 1 [avatarmaxheight] => 1 [avatarmaxsize] => 1 [albumpicmaxwidth] => 1 [albumpicmaxheight] => 1 [albummaxpics] => 1 [albummaxsize] => 1 [sigmaxrawchars] => 1 [sigmaxchars] => 1 [sigmaxlines] => 1 [sigmaxsizebbcode] => 1 [sigmaximages] => 1 [sigpicmaxwidth] => 1 [sigpicmaxheight] => 1 [sigpicmaxsize] => 1 [sigmaxvideos] => 1 [maximumsocialgroups] => 1 [groupiconmaxsize] => 1 ) [bf_misc_languageoptions] => Array ( [direction] => 1 [dirmark] => 2 ) [bf_misc_moderatorpermissions] => Array ( [caneditposts] => 1 [candeleteposts] => 2 [canopenclose] => 4 [caneditthreads] => 8 [canmanagethreads] => 16 [canannounce] => 32 [canmoderateposts] => 64 [canmoderateattachments] => 128 [canmassmove] => 256 [canmassprune] => 512 [canviewips] => 1024 [canviewprofile] => 2048 [canbanusers] => 4096 [canunbanusers] => 8192 [newthreademail] => 16384 [newpostemail] => 32768 [cansetpassword] => 65536 [canremoveposts] => 131072 [caneditsigs] => 262144 [caneditavatar] => 524288 [caneditpoll] => 1048576 [caneditprofilepic] => 2097152 [caneditreputation] => 4194304 ) [bf_misc_useroptions] => Array ( [showsignatures] => 1 [showavatars] => 2 [showimages] => 4 [coppauser] => 8 [adminemail] => 16 [showvcard] => 32 [dstauto] => 64 [dstonoff] => 128 [showemail] => 256 [invisible] => 512 [showreputation] => 1024 [receivepm] => 2048 [emailonpm] => 4096 [hasaccessmask] => 8192 [vbasset_enable] => 16384 [postorder] => 32768 [receivepmbuddies] => 131072 [noactivationmails] => 262144 [pmboxwarning] => 524288 [showusercss] => 1048576 [receivefriendemailrequest] => 2097152 [vm_enable] => 8388608 [vm_contactonly] => 16777216 [pmdefaultsavecopy] => 33554432 ) [bf_misc_hvcheck] => Array ( [register] => 1 [post] => 2 [search] => 4 [contactus] => 8 [lostpw] => 16 ) [options] => Array ( [frontminichallenges] => 3 [comments_allowimgcode] => 0 [neweventonhighscore] => 1 [distinctscores] => 0 [comments_allowbbcode] => 1 [comments_allowsmilies] => 1 [comments_allowhtml] => 0 [mingsearchlength] => 3 [ajaxsearchdelay] => 2000 [scrolltoscore] => 0 [hoverdelay] => 300 [commentmaxlength] => 100 [showlength] => 1 [popupopacity] => 90 [usealtnav] => 0 [showscorefeedback] => 1 [showquickstats] => 1 [showrecommendations] => 1 [scoredateformat] => %H:%M, %d/%m/%y [scoresperpage] => 10 [arcadeimages] => images/arcade [gamedir] => games [quicksearchresults] => 5 [gamesperpage] => 10 [arcadeclosedmessage] => The Arcade is switched off while we perform essential maintenance. Come back soon! 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If you don't want these links to be enabled while you browse the site, you may disable the system here. 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[styleid] => 0 [title] => Annonces et Salon [title_clean] => Annonces et Salon [description] => [description_clean] => [options] => 3231745 [displayorder] => 1 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => -1 [parentlist] => 1,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 1,2,5,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 0 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 12317183 ) ) [2] => Array ( [forumid] => 2 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Annonces [title_clean] => Annonces [description] => Les annonces du site et du forum sont ici. [description_clean] => Les annonces du site et du forum sont ici. [options] => 3497671 [displayorder] => 1 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => 1 [parentlist] => 2,1,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 2,-1 [lastpostid] => 36 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 1 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 2879727 ) ) [5] => Array ( [forumid] => 5 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Salon [title_clean] => Salon [description] => Tout ce que vous désirez dire, c'est ici ! [description_clean] => Tout ce que vous désirez dire, c'est ici ! [options] => 3505863 [displayorder] => 2 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => 1 [parentlist] => 5,1,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 5,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 1 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 12317183 ) ) [12] => Array ( [forumid] => 12 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Bugs / Suggestions [title_clean] => Bugs / Suggestions [description] => [description_clean] => [options] => 3505857 [displayorder] => 2 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => -1 [parentlist] => 12,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 12,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 0 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 12317183 ) ) [6] => Array ( [forumid] => 6 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Jeux [title_clean] => Jeux [description] => [description_clean] => [options] => 3231745 [displayorder] => 3 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => -1 [parentlist] => 6,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 6,7,8,9,10,11,15,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 0 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 12317183 ) ) [7] => Array ( [forumid] => 7 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Zelda [title_clean] => Zelda [description] => Toutes les trouvailles et discussions sur Zelda. Breath of the Wild, Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, Spirit Tracks, etc. [description_clean] => Toutes les trouvailles et discussions sur Zelda. Breath of the Wild, Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, Spirit Tracks, etc. [options] => 3505863 [displayorder] => 1 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => 6 [parentlist] => 7,6,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 7,-1 [lastpostid] => 29 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 1 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 12317183 ) ) [8] => Array ( [forumid] => 8 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Nintendo [title_clean] => Nintendo [description] => Tout ce qui concerne Nintendo. Switch, Wii U, Wii, 3DS, DS, Gamecube, etc. [description_clean] => Tout ce qui concerne Nintendo. Switch, Wii U, Wii, 3DS, DS, Gamecube, etc. [options] => 3505863 [displayorder] => 2 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => 6 [parentlist] => 8,6,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 8,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 1 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 12317183 ) ) [9] => Array ( [forumid] => 9 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Sega [title_clean] => Sega [description] => Tout ce qui concerne Sega. Dreamcast, Saturn, Megadrive, Game Gear, etc. [description_clean] => Tout ce qui concerne Sega. Dreamcast, Saturn, Megadrive, Game Gear, etc. [options] => 3505863 [displayorder] => 3 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => 6 [parentlist] => 9,6,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 9,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 1 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 12317183 ) ) [10] => Array ( [forumid] => 10 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Sony [title_clean] => Sony [description] => Tout ce qui concerne Sony. PS4, PS3, PS Vita, PSP, PS2, PSX, etc. [description_clean] => Tout ce qui concerne Sony. PS4, PS3, PS Vita, PSP, PS2, PSX, etc. [options] => 3505863 [displayorder] => 4 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => 6 [parentlist] => 10,6,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 10,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 1 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 12317183 ) ) [11] => Array ( [forumid] => 11 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Microsoft [title_clean] => Microsoft [description] => Tout ce qui concerne Microsoft. Xbox One, Xbox 360, Xbox, etc. [description_clean] => Tout ce qui concerne Microsoft. Xbox One, Xbox 360, Xbox, etc. [options] => 3505863 [displayorder] => 5 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => 6 [parentlist] => 11,6,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 11,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 1 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 12317183 ) ) [15] => Array ( [forumid] => 15 [styleid] => 0 [title] => PC / Mac [title_clean] => PC / Mac [description] => Tout ce qui concerne le jeu par ordinateur. Cela va des jeux indépendants au grosses licences. [description_clean] => Tout ce qui concerne le jeu par ordinateur. Cela va des jeux indépendants au grosses licences. [options] => 3505863 [displayorder] => 6 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => 6 [parentlist] => 15,6,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 15,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 1 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 79426047 [1] => 655367 [5] => 100663295 [4] => 655367 [3] => 655367 [8] => 0 [2] => 12317183 ) ) [3] => Array ( [forumid] => 3 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Privé [title_clean] => Privé [description] => [description_clean] => [options] => 3231745 [displayorder] => 4 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => -1 [parentlist] => 3,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 3,4,14,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 0 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 0 [1] => 0 [5] => 0 [4] => 0 [3] => 0 [8] => 0 [2] => 0 ) ) [4] => Array ( [forumid] => 4 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Discussions [title_clean] => Discussions [description] => Discussions de plusieurs sujets interne au staff. [description_clean] => Discussions de plusieurs sujets interne au staff. [options] => 3497671 [displayorder] => 1 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => 3 [parentlist] => 4,3,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 4,-1 [lastpostid] => 0 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 1 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 0 [1] => 0 [5] => 0 [4] => 0 [3] => 0 [8] => 0 [2] => 0 ) ) [14] => Array ( [forumid] => 14 [styleid] => 0 [title] => Archives de modération [title_clean] => Archives de modération [description] => On n'efface rien, on conserve tout ce qui a été modéré ici ! [description_clean] => On n'efface rien, on conserve tout ce qui a été modéré ici ! [options] => 3481285 [displayorder] => 2 [daysprune] => -1 [newpostemail] => [newthreademail] => [parentid] => 3 [parentlist] => 14,3,-1 [password] => [link] => [childlist] => 14,-1 [lastpostid] => 23 [showprivate] => 0 [defaultsortfield] => lastpost [defaultsortorder] => desc [imageprefix] => [importforumid] => 0 [importcategoryid] => 0 [podcast] => 0 [depth] => 1 [permissions] => Array ( [6] => 134217727 [7] => 0 [1] => 0 [5] => 0 [4] => 0 [3] => 0 [8] => 0 [2] => 0 ) ) ) [iconcache] => [markupcache] => [stylecache] => Array ( [-1] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [styleid] => 1 [title] => Style par défaut / Defaut Style [parentid] => -1 [displayorder] => 1 [userselect] => 1 [type] => standard ) ) [2] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [styleid] => 2 [title] => Zelda-Series v2 [parentid] => -1 [displayorder] => 2 [userselect] => 1 [type] => standard ) ) [3] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [styleid] => 3 [title] => Zelda-Series v3 - test [parentid] => -1 [displayorder] => 3 [userselect] => 0 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https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813514_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 26 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [31] => Array ( [smilieid] => 31 [title] => 1033813498 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813498_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813498_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 25 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [44] => Array ( [smilieid] => 44 [title] => 1033813716 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813716_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813716_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 2 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [45] => Array ( [smilieid] => 45 [title] => 1033813735 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813735_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813735_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 11 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [57] => Array ( [smilieid] => 57 [title] => 1035929521 Gif [smilietext] => :1035929521_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1035929521_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 30 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [56] => Array ( [smilieid] => 56 [title] => 1035929488 Gif [smilietext] => :1035929488_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1035929488_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 14 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [55] => Array ( [smilieid] => 55 [title] => 1035929420 Gif [smilietext] => :1035929420_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1035929420_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 15 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [54] => Array ( [smilieid] => 54 [title] => 1035929334 Gif [smilietext] => :1035929334_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1035929334_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 16 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [53] => Array ( [smilieid] => 53 [title] => 1035929153 Gif [smilietext] => :1035929153_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1035929153_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 17 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [52] => Array ( [smilieid] => 52 [title] => 1035929120 Gif [smilietext] => :1035929120_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1035929120_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 18 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [51] => Array ( [smilieid] => 51 [title] => 1035929094 Gif [smilietext] => :1035929094_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1035929094_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 19 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [50] => Array ( [smilieid] => 50 [title] => 1033813813 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813813_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813813_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 20 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [49] => Array ( [smilieid] => 49 [title] => 1033813793 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813793_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813793_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 41 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [48] => Array ( [smilieid] => 48 [title] => 1033813784 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813784_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813784_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 31 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [47] => Array ( [smilieid] => 47 [title] => 1033813757 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813757_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813757_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 13 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [46] => Array ( [smilieid] => 46 [title] => 1033813746 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813746_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813746_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 12 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [30] => Array ( [smilieid] => 30 [title] => 1033813487 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813487_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813487_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 24 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [29] => Array ( [smilieid] => 29 [title] => 1033813475 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813475_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813475_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 23 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [28] => Array ( [smilieid] => 28 [title] => 1033813459 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813459_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813459_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 22 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [17] => Array ( [smilieid] => 17 [title] => 1033813289 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813289_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813289_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [16] => Array ( [smilieid] => 16 [title] => 1033813266 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813266_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813266_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 39 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [15] => Array ( [smilieid] => 15 [title] => 1033813254 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813254_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813254_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 38 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [14] => Array ( [smilieid] => 14 [title] => 1033813244 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813244_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813244_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 35 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [13] => Array ( [smilieid] => 13 [title] => 1033813235 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813235_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813235_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 36 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [122] => Array ( [smilieid] => 122 [title] => Mais qu'il est con ! [smilietext] => :maisquilestcon: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/maisquilestcon.png [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [130] => Array ( [smilieid] => 130 [title] => Parking à boulets [smilietext] => :parkingboulets: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/parkingboulets.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [39] => Array ( [smilieid] => 39 [title] => 1033813636 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813636_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813636_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 7 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [18] => Array ( [smilieid] => 18 [title] => 1033813300 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813300_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813300_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 45 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [19] => Array ( [smilieid] => 19 [title] => 1033813310 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813310_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813310_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 44 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [26] => Array ( [smilieid] => 26 [title] => 1033813413 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813413_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813413_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 32 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [25] => Array ( [smilieid] => 25 [title] => 1033813394 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813394_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813394_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 33 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [27] => Array ( [smilieid] => 27 [title] => 1033813450 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813450_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813450_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 21 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [24] => Array ( [smilieid] => 24 [title] => 1033813362 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813362_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813362_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 34 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [23] => Array ( [smilieid] => 23 [title] => 1033813352 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813352_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813352_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 40 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [22] => Array ( [smilieid] => 22 [title] => 1033813342 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813342_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813342_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 46 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [21] => Array ( [smilieid] => 21 [title] => 1033813331 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813331_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813331_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 42 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [20] => Array ( [smilieid] => 20 [title] => 1033813321 Gif [smilietext] => :1033813321_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/1033813321_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 43 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 16 ) [104] => Array ( [smilieid] => 104 [title] => Arrête tes conneries et sort [smilietext] => :conneriessort: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/conneriessort.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 15 ) [96] => Array ( [smilieid] => 96 [title] => Boulet du jour [smilietext] => :bouletdujour2: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/bouletdujour2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 15 ) [152] => Array ( [smilieid] => 152 [title] => Tu sors - Banane [smilietext] => :tusors_banane: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tusors_banane.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 15 ) [118] => Array ( [smilieid] => 118 [title] => Je suis dehors [smilietext] => :jesuisdehors2: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/jesuisdehors2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 15 ) [117] => Array ( [smilieid] => 117 [title] => Je suis dehors [smilietext] => :jesuisdehors1: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/jesuisdehors1.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 15 ) [95] => Array ( [smilieid] => 95 [title] => Boulet du jour [smilietext] => :bouletdujour1: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/bouletdujour1.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 15 ) [97] => Array ( [smilieid] => 97 [title] => Boulet repéré [smilietext] => :bouletrepere: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/bouletrepere.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 14 ) [73] => Array ( [smilieid] => 73 [title] => Icon Youpi 2 [smilietext] => :icon_youpi_2: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_youpi_2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 20 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 14 ) [72] => Array ( [smilieid] => 72 [title] => Icon Smack [smilietext] => :icon_smack_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_smack_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 21 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 13 ) [143] => Array ( [smilieid] => 143 [title] => Z'êtes tous des malades ... [smilietext] => :tousmalades: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tousmalades.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 13 ) [136] => Array ( [smilieid] => 136 [title] => J'ai rien compris [smilietext] => :riencompris: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/riencompris.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 13 ) [70] => Array ( [smilieid] => 70 [title] => Icon Ohwell [smilietext] => :icon_ohwell: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_ohwell.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 19 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 13 ) [131] => Array ( [smilieid] => 131 [title] => Ce qu'il faut pas entendre ! [smilietext] => :pasentendre: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/pasentendre.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 13 ) [116] => Array ( [smilieid] => 116 [title] => Je sors avec une faute [smilietext] => :jesorsfaute: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/jesorsfaute.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 13 ) [108] => Array ( [smilieid] => 108 [title] => Sortez tous !! [smilietext] => :dehorstous: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/dehorstous.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 12 ) [74] => Array ( [smilieid] => 74 [title] => Ico Yeah4 [smilietext] => :ico_yeah4_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/ico_yeah4_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 28 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 12 ) [69] => Array ( [smilieid] => 69 [title] => Icon Nono [smilietext] => :icon_nono_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_nono_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 18 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 12 ) [137] => Array ( [smilieid] => 137 [title] => Pouce levé [smilietext] => :pouceleve: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/sm-30.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 11 ) [103] => Array ( [smilieid] => 103 [title] => Tu cartonnes ! [smilietext] => :cartonnes: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/cartonnes.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 11 ) [135] => Array ( [smilieid] => 135 [title] => Utiliser la recherche [smilietext] => :recherche: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/recherche.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 11 ) [142] => Array ( [smilieid] => 142 [title] => Je te cause pu ! [smilietext] => :tecausepu: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tecausepu.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 11 ) [90] => Array ( [smilieid] => 90 [title] => Biere est bonne, fun aussi [smilietext] => :bierefun: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/bierefun.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [10] => Array ( [smilieid] => 10 [title] => Confus [smilietext] => :confused: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/confused.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 3 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [60] => Array ( [smilieid] => 60 [title] => Icon 14 [smilietext] => :icon_14_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_14_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 24 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [61] => Array ( [smilieid] => 61 [title] => Icon 15 [smilietext] => :icon_15_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_15_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 23 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [62] => Array ( [smilieid] => 62 [title] => Icon 18 [smilietext] => :icon_18_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_18_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 27 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [7] => Array ( [smilieid] => 7 [title] => Sarcastique [smilietext] => :rolleyes: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 5 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [144] => Array ( [smilieid] => 144 [title] => Trop con ! [smilietext] => :tropcon2: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tropcon2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [81] => Array ( [smilieid] => 81 [title] => Kneu tu sors [smilietext] => :kneu_039: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/kneu_039.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 32 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [63] => Array ( [smilieid] => 63 [title] => Icon 23 [smilietext] => :icon_23_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_23_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 12 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [155] => Array ( [smilieid] => 155 [title] => Vive moi ! [smilietext] => :vivemoi2: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/vivemoi2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [64] => Array ( [smilieid] => 64 [title] => Icon 39 [smilietext] => :icon_39_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_39_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 13 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [65] => Array ( [smilieid] => 65 [title] => Icon 42 [smilietext] => :icon_42_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_42_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 14 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [154] => Array ( [smilieid] => 154 [title] => Vive moi [smilietext] => :vivemoi1: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/vivemoi1.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [66] => Array ( [smilieid] => 66 [title] => Icon 44 [smilietext] => :icon_44_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_44_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 15 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [67] => Array ( [smilieid] => 67 [title] => Icon 47 [smilietext] => :icon_47_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_47_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 16 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 10 ) [115] => Array ( [smilieid] => 115 [title] => Google [smilietext] => :google4: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/google4.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [114] => Array ( [smilieid] => 114 [title] => Google [smilietext] => :google3: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/google3.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [113] => Array ( [smilieid] => 113 [title] => Google [smilietext] => :google2: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/google2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [112] => Array ( [smilieid] => 112 [title] => Google [smilietext] => :google1: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/google1.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [106] => Array ( [smilieid] => 106 [title] => Spice di counass !!! [smilietext] => :counass: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/counass.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [120] => Array ( [smilieid] => 120 [title] => Lâcheur [smilietext] => :lacheur: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/lacheur.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [123] => Array ( [smilieid] => 123 [title] => On est des malades !!! [smilietext] => :malades: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/malades.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [151] => Array ( [smilieid] => 151 [title] => Je sors [smilietext] => :tusors7: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tusors7.png [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [156] => Array ( [smilieid] => 156 [title] => ! Welcome ! [smilietext] => :welcome: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/welcome.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [150] => Array ( [smilieid] => 150 [title] => Je sors [smilietext] => :tusors6: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tusors6.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [153] => Array ( [smilieid] => 153 [title] => Remonte petite discussion ! [smilietext] => :uptopic: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/uptopic.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [149] => Array ( [smilieid] => 149 [title] => Tu sors [smilietext] => :tusors5: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tusors5.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [148] => Array ( [smilieid] => 148 [title] => Exit [smilietext] => :tusors4: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tusors4.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [147] => Array ( [smilieid] => 147 [title] => Tu sors [smilietext] => :tusors3: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tusors3.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [146] => Array ( [smilieid] => 146 [title] => Je sors [smilietext] => :tusors2: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tusors2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [145] => Array ( [smilieid] => 145 [title] => Tu sors [smilietext] => :tusors1: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tusors1.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [141] => Array ( [smilieid] => 141 [title] => Et ta sœur ? [smilietext] => :tasoeur: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/tasoeur.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [140] => Array ( [smilieid] => 140 [title] => Sulfate orthographe [smilietext] => :sulfate: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/sulfate.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [79] => Array ( [smilieid] => 79 [title] => Pingouin [smilietext] => :img_013: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/img_013.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 34 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [105] => Array ( [smilieid] => 105 [title] => Correct ! [smilietext] => :correct: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/correct.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [58] => Array ( [smilieid] => 58 [title] => Icon 6 [smilietext] => :icon_6_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_6_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 25 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [68] => Array ( [smilieid] => 68 [title] => Icon 52 [smilietext] => :icon_52: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_52.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 17 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [93] => Array ( [smilieid] => 93 [title] => Boulet [smilietext] => :boulet1: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/boulet.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [94] => Array ( [smilieid] => 94 [title] => Boulet [smilietext] => :boulet2: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/boulet2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [80] => Array ( [smilieid] => 80 [title] => Marmotte [smilietext] => :img_060: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/img_060.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 33 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [98] => Array ( [smilieid] => 98 [title] => Boulets [smilietext] => :boulets: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/boulets.png [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [83] => Array ( [smilieid] => 83 [title] => Vnr [smilietext] => :vnr_037: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/vnr_037.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 37 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [82] => Array ( [smilieid] => 82 [title] => Siffle [smilietext] => :siffle_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/siffle_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 29 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [59] => Array ( [smilieid] => 59 [title] => Icon 8 [smilietext] => :icon_8_: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon_8_.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 26 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [78] => Array ( [smilieid] => 78 [title] => KC [smilietext] => :img_002: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/img_002.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 35 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 9 ) [101] => Array ( [smilieid] => 101 [title] => Je suis caché [smilietext] => :cache2: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/cache2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [91] => Array ( [smilieid] => 91 [title] => Bisous à tous [smilietext] => :bisous: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/bisous.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [127] => Array ( [smilieid] => 127 [title] => No spam !!!!!! [smilietext] => :nospam: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/nospam.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [125] => Array ( [smilieid] => 125 [title] => C'est un neuneu ! [smilietext] => :neuneu: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/neuneu.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [138] => Array ( [smilieid] => 138 [title] => Je squate [smilietext] => :squate: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/squate.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [75] => Array ( [smilieid] => 75 [title] => Bottom [smilietext] => :bottom: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/bottom.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 38 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [139] => Array ( [smilieid] => 139 [title] => I'm stupid [smilietext] => :stupid: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/stupid.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [88] => Array ( [smilieid] => 88 [title] => Ma note : 2 sur 10 [smilietext] => :2sur10: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/2sur10.png [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [100] => Array ( [smilieid] => 100 [title] => Je suis caché [smilietext] => :cache1: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/cache1.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [92] => Array ( [smilieid] => 92 [title] => Blabla [smilietext] => :blabla: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/blabla.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [12] => Array ( [smilieid] => 12 [title] => 63 Gif [smilietext] => :63_gif: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/boule/63_gif.gif [imagecategoryid] => 5 [displayorder] => 37 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [84] => Array ( [smilieid] => 84 [title] => Woohoo [smilietext] => :woohoo: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/woohoo.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 30 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [77] => Array ( [smilieid] => 77 [title] => Icon10 [smilietext] => :icon10: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/icon10.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 30 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [132] => Array ( [smilieid] => 132 [title] => Pendez-le !! [smilietext] => :pendre: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/pendre.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 8 ) [76] => Array ( [smilieid] => 76 [title] => Brice [smilietext] => :brice: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/brice.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 36 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 7 ) [134] => Array ( [smilieid] => 134 [title] => Pitch is best !!! [smilietext] => :pitch: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/pitch.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 7 ) [133] => Array ( [smilieid] => 133 [title] => Un pendu ? [smilietext] => :pendu: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/pendu.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 7 ) [111] => Array ( [smilieid] => 111 [title] => Flood [smilietext] => :flood: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/flood.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 7 ) [99] => Array ( [smilieid] => 99 [title] => Ça bug [smilietext] => :cabug: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/cabug.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 7 ) [102] => Array ( [smilieid] => 102 [title] => Je campe [smilietext] => :campe: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/campe.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 7 ) [109] => Array ( [smilieid] => 109 [title] => Email pour toi [smilietext] => :email: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/email.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 7 ) [6] => Array ( [smilieid] => 6 [title] => Cool [smilietext] => :cool: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/cool.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 6 ) [124] => Array ( [smilieid] => 124 [title] => Mdr [smilietext] => :mdr2: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/mdr2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 6 ) [107] => Array ( [smilieid] => 107 [title] => Dawa [smilietext] => :dawa: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/dawa.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 6 ) [87] => Array ( [smilieid] => 87 [title] => +1 [smilietext] => :1-3: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/1-3.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [85] => Array ( [smilieid] => 85 [title] => +1 [smilietext] => :1-1: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/1-1.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [86] => Array ( [smilieid] => 86 [title] => +1 [smilietext] => :1-2: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/1-2.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [119] => Array ( [smilieid] => 119 [title] => Koi ? [smilietext] => :koi: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/koi.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [128] => Array ( [smilieid] => 128 [title] => Nul [smilietext] => :nul: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/nul.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [8] => Array ( [smilieid] => 8 [title] => En colère [smilietext] => :mad: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/mad.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 4 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [121] => Array ( [smilieid] => 121 [title] => Lol [smilietext] => :lol: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/lol.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [89] => Array ( [smilieid] => 89 [title] => Arf [smilietext] => :arf: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/arf.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [9] => Array ( [smilieid] => 9 [title] => Surpris [smilietext] => :eek: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/eek.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 6 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [126] => Array ( [smilieid] => 126 [title] => Je dis non [smilietext] => :non: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/non.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [129] => Array ( [smilieid] => 129 [title] => Je dis oui [smilietext] => :oui: [smiliepath] => images/smilies/panneaux/oui.gif [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 5 ) [110] => Array ( [smilieid] => 110 [title] => F1 [smilietext] => :f1: [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/panneaux/f1.png [imagecategoryid] => 4 [displayorder] => 1 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 4 ) [1] => Array ( [smilieid] => 1 [title] => Sourire [smilietext] => :) [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/smile.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 11 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [smilieid] => 2 [title] => Gêné [smilietext] => :o [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/redface.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 8 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [smilieid] => 3 [title] => Grand sourire [smilietext] => :D [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/biggrin.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 10 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 2 ) [11] => Array ( [smilieid] => 11 [title] => Triste [smilietext] => :( [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/frown.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 2 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [smilieid] => 4 [title] => Clin d'oeil [smilietext] => ;) [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/wink.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 9 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 2 ) [5] => Array ( [smilieid] => 5 [title] => Tire la langue [smilietext] => :p [smiliepath] => https://forum.zelda-series.net/images/smilies/tongue.gif [imagecategoryid] => 1 [displayorder] => 7 [importsmilieid] => 0 [smilielen] => 2 ) ) [usergroupcache] => Array ( [6] => Array ( [usergroupid] => 6 [title] => Administrateurs [description] => [usertitle] => Administrateur [passwordexpires] => 0 [passwordhistory] => 360 [pmquota] => 50 [pmsendmax] => 5 [opentag] => [closetag] => [canoverride] => 0 [ispublicgroup] => 0 [forumpermissions] => 134217727 [pmpermissions] => 7 [calendarpermissions] => 63 [wolpermissions] => 31 [adminpermissions] => 3 [genericpermissions] => 2113929151 [genericoptions] => 63 [attachlimit] => 0 [avatarmaxwidth] => 80 [avatarmaxheight] => 80 [avatarmaxsize] => 20000 [profilepicmaxwidth] => 100 [profilepicmaxheight] => 100 [profilepicmaxsize] => 65535 [arcadepermissions] => 255 [signaturepermissions] => 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[vbstatistics_permissions] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [usergroupid] => 7 [title] => Modérateurs [description] => [usertitle] => Modérateur [passwordexpires] => 0 [passwordhistory] => 0 [pmquota] => 50 [pmsendmax] => 5 [opentag] => [closetag] => [canoverride] => 0 [ispublicgroup] => 0 [forumpermissions] => 79426047 [pmpermissions] => 7 [calendarpermissions] => 63 [wolpermissions] => 15 [adminpermissions] => 0 [genericpermissions] => 1592727247 [genericoptions] => 54 [attachlimit] => 0 [avatarmaxwidth] => 80 [avatarmaxheight] => 80 [avatarmaxsize] => 20000 [profilepicmaxwidth] => 100 [profilepicmaxheight] => 100 [profilepicmaxsize] => 65535 [arcadepermissions] => 0 [signaturepermissions] => 499711 [sigpicmaxwidth] => 500 [sigpicmaxheight] => 100 [sigpicmaxsize] => 20000 [sigmaximages] => 4 [sigmaxsizebbcode] => 7 [sigmaxchars] => 500 [sigmaxrawchars] => 1000 [sigmaxlines] => 0 [minpoststoplay] => 0 [minreptoplay] => -1000 [minreglengthtoplay] => 0 [ptpermissions] => 17 [vbblog_general_permissions] => 523262 [vbblog_entry_permissions] => 40815 [vbblog_comment_permissions] => 3022 [visitormessagepermissions] => 63 [socialgrouppermissions] => 217075 [usercsspermissions] => 255 [albumpermissions] => 255 [albumpicmaxwidth] => 600 [albumpicmaxheight] => 600 [albummaxpics] => 100 [albummaxsize] => 0 [genericpermissions2] => 7 [vbblog_customblocks] => 5 [vbblog_custompages] => 5 [pmthrottlequantity] => 0 [groupiconmaxsize] => 65535 [maximumsocialgroups] => 5 [memarea_permissions] => 0 [memarea_helpdesk_permissions] => 0 [vbcmspermissions] => 0 [sigmaxvideos] => 1 [panjo_can_sell] => 1 [panjo_transaction_fee] => [panjo_listing_fee] => [importusergroupid] => 0 [vbstatistics_permissions] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [usergroupid] => 1 [title] => Non inscrits / Non connectés [description] => [usertitle] => Invité [passwordexpires] => 0 [passwordhistory] => 0 [pmquota] => 50 [pmsendmax] => 0 [opentag] => [closetag] => [canoverride] => 0 [ispublicgroup] => 0 [forumpermissions] => 655367 [pmpermissions] => 0 [calendarpermissions] => 1 [wolpermissions] => 0 [adminpermissions] => 0 [genericpermissions] => 65 [genericoptions] => 104 [attachlimit] => 0 [avatarmaxwidth] => -1 [avatarmaxheight] => -1 [avatarmaxsize] => -1 [profilepicmaxwidth] => -1 [profilepicmaxheight] => -1 [profilepicmaxsize] => -1 [arcadepermissions] => 1 [signaturepermissions] => 0 [sigpicmaxwidth] => -1 [sigpicmaxheight] => -1 [sigpicmaxsize] => -1 [sigmaximages] => -1 [sigmaxsizebbcode] => -1 [sigmaxchars] => -1 [sigmaxrawchars] => -1 [sigmaxlines] => -1 [minpoststoplay] => 0 [minreptoplay] => -1000 [minreglengthtoplay] => 0 [ptpermissions] => 80 [vbblog_general_permissions] => 516464 [vbblog_entry_permissions] => 40448 [vbblog_comment_permissions] => 3008 [visitormessagepermissions] => 16 [socialgrouppermissions] => 133329 [usercsspermissions] => 160 [albumpermissions] => 192 [albumpicmaxwidth] => 600 [albumpicmaxheight] => 600 [albummaxpics] => 100 [albummaxsize] => 0 [genericpermissions2] => 0 [vbblog_customblocks] => 0 [vbblog_custompages] => 0 [pmthrottlequantity] => 0 [groupiconmaxsize] => 65535 [maximumsocialgroups] => 5 [memarea_permissions] => 0 [memarea_helpdesk_permissions] => 0 [vbcmspermissions] => 0 [sigmaxvideos] => -1 [panjo_can_sell] => 1 [panjo_transaction_fee] => [panjo_listing_fee] => [importusergroupid] => 0 [vbstatistics_permissions] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [usergroupid] => 5 [title] => Super Modérateurs [description] => [usertitle] => Super Modérateur [passwordexpires] => 0 [passwordhistory] => 0 [pmquota] => 50 [pmsendmax] => 0 [opentag] => [closetag] => [canoverride] => 0 [ispublicgroup] => 0 [forumpermissions] => 100663295 [pmpermissions] => 7 [calendarpermissions] => 63 [wolpermissions] => 15 [adminpermissions] => 1 [genericpermissions] => 1592743663 [genericoptions] => 63 [attachlimit] => 0 [avatarmaxwidth] => 80 [avatarmaxheight] => 80 [avatarmaxsize] => 20000 [profilepicmaxwidth] => 100 [profilepicmaxheight] => 100 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[panjo_transaction_fee] => [panjo_listing_fee] => [importusergroupid] => 0 [vbstatistics_permissions] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [usergroupid] => 4 [title] => Utilisateurs COPPA en attente de modération [description] => [usertitle] => [passwordexpires] => 0 [passwordhistory] => 0 [pmquota] => 50 [pmsendmax] => 0 [opentag] => [closetag] => [canoverride] => 0 [ispublicgroup] => 0 [forumpermissions] => 655367 [pmpermissions] => 0 [calendarpermissions] => 1 [wolpermissions] => 0 [adminpermissions] => 0 [genericpermissions] => 33554499 [genericoptions] => 48 [attachlimit] => 0 [avatarmaxwidth] => -1 [avatarmaxheight] => -1 [avatarmaxsize] => -1 [profilepicmaxwidth] => -1 [profilepicmaxheight] => -1 [profilepicmaxsize] => -1 [arcadepermissions] => 0 [signaturepermissions] => 0 [sigpicmaxwidth] => -1 [sigpicmaxheight] => -1 [sigpicmaxsize] => -1 [sigmaximages] => -1 [sigmaxsizebbcode] => -1 [sigmaxchars] => -1 [sigmaxrawchars] => -1 [sigmaxlines] => -1 [minpoststoplay] => 0 [minreptoplay] => -1000 [minreglengthtoplay] => 0 [ptpermissions] => 16 [vbblog_general_permissions] => 518512 [vbblog_entry_permissions] => 40448 [vbblog_comment_permissions] => 3008 [visitormessagepermissions] => 16 [socialgrouppermissions] => 133329 [usercsspermissions] => 183 [albumpermissions] => 194 [albumpicmaxwidth] => 600 [albumpicmaxheight] => 600 [albummaxpics] => 100 [albummaxsize] => 0 [genericpermissions2] => 0 [vbblog_customblocks] => 0 [vbblog_custompages] => 0 [pmthrottlequantity] => 0 [groupiconmaxsize] => 65535 [maximumsocialgroups] => 5 [memarea_permissions] => 0 [memarea_helpdesk_permissions] => 0 [vbcmspermissions] => 0 [sigmaxvideos] => -1 [panjo_can_sell] => 1 [panjo_transaction_fee] => [panjo_listing_fee] => [importusergroupid] => 0 [vbstatistics_permissions] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [usergroupid] => 3 [title] => Utilisateurs en attente de confirmation d'email [description] => [usertitle] => [passwordexpires] => 0 [passwordhistory] => 0 [pmquota] => 50 [pmsendmax] => 0 [opentag] => 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[panjo_transaction_fee] => [panjo_listing_fee] => [importusergroupid] => 0 [vbstatistics_permissions] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [usergroupid] => 2 [title] => Utilisateurs inscrits [description] => [usertitle] => [passwordexpires] => 0 [passwordhistory] => 0 [pmquota] => 50 [pmsendmax] => 5 [opentag] => [closetag] => [canoverride] => 0 [ispublicgroup] => 0 [forumpermissions] => 12317183 [pmpermissions] => 3 [calendarpermissions] => 63 [wolpermissions] => 1 [adminpermissions] => 0 [genericpermissions] => 1546130631 [genericoptions] => 62 [attachlimit] => 0 [avatarmaxwidth] => -1 [avatarmaxheight] => -1 [avatarmaxsize] => -1 [profilepicmaxwidth] => 100 [profilepicmaxheight] => 100 [profilepicmaxsize] => 65535 [arcadepermissions] => 7 [signaturepermissions] => 466943 [sigpicmaxwidth] => -1 [sigpicmaxheight] => -1 [sigpicmaxsize] => -1 [sigmaximages] => 4 [sigmaxsizebbcode] => 7 [sigmaxchars] => 500 [sigmaxrawchars] => 1000 [sigmaxlines] => 0 [minpoststoplay] => 1 [minreptoplay] => -1000 [minreglengthtoplay] => 0 [ptpermissions] => 17 [vbblog_general_permissions] => 523262 [vbblog_entry_permissions] => 40815 [vbblog_comment_permissions] => 3022 [visitormessagepermissions] => 63 [socialgrouppermissions] => 217075 [usercsspermissions] => 191 [albumpermissions] => 255 [albumpicmaxwidth] => 600 [albumpicmaxheight] => 600 [albummaxpics] => 100 [albummaxsize] => 0 [genericpermissions2] => 5 [vbblog_customblocks] => 5 [vbblog_custompages] => 5 [pmthrottlequantity] => 0 [groupiconmaxsize] => 65535 [maximumsocialgroups] => 5 [memarea_permissions] => 0 [memarea_helpdesk_permissions] => 0 [vbcmspermissions] => 0 [sigmaxvideos] => 1 [panjo_can_sell] => 1 [panjo_transaction_fee] => [panjo_listing_fee] => [importusergroupid] => 0 [vbstatistics_permissions] => 0 ) ) [bbcodecache] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [bbcodeid] => 1 [bbcodetag] => tt [bbcodereplacement] => %1$s [bbcodeexample] => [tt]This is monospaced[/tt] and this is not. [bbcodeexplanation] => [twoparams] => 0 [title] => Monospace Text [buttonimage] => [options] => 1 [strip_empty] => 1 [stop_parse] => 0 [disable_smilies] => 0 [disable_wordwrap] => 0 ) ) [socialsitecache] => [cron] => 1722247500 [mailqueue] => [banemail] => [maxloggedin] => [pluginlist] => Array ( [global_bootstrap_init_start] => if ('THIS_SCRIPT' == 'portal_index') { // Portal width if (strpos($stylevar['outertablewidth'], '%') === false) { if (strpos($page['stylewidth']["$styleid"], '%') === false) { if ($page['stylewidth']["$styleid"] > $stylevar['outertablewidth']) { $stylevar['outertablewidth'] = $page['stylewidth']["$styleid"]; $stylevar['outerdivwidth'] = $stylevar['outertablewidth'] . 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''; $handled = true; } if ($userinfo['activity'] == 'helpdesk') { $userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['memarea_viewing_helpdesk']; // $userinfo['where'] = ''.$vbphrase['memarea_helpdesk'].''; $handled = true; } [error_generic] => if (defined('IN_FRNR') && defined('FR_UTILS_INCLUDED')) { fr_standard_error($error); } if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'portal_index') { $errormessage = preg_replace('/href=\"/', '\\0' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/', $errormessage) . $PAGE_TITLE; $vbphrase['admin_required_register'] = preg_replace('/href=\"/', '\\0' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/', $vbphrase['admin_required_register']); } if ((!defined('VB_ERROR_LITE') OR VB_ERROR_LITE != true) AND defined('THIS_SCRIPT') AND substr(THIS_SCRIPT, 0, 7) == 'project') { // we're in a project file, so make sure we include that in the navbar if ($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['forumpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) { $navbits = construct_navbits(array( 'project.php' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q'] => $vbphrase['projects'], '' => $vbphrase['vbulletin_message'] )); $navbar = render_navbar_template($navbits); } } [global_bootstrap_init_complete] => // Force Users to Read A Thread if (isset($vbulletin->options['forcereadthread_disable_file'])) { $vbulletin->options['forcereadthread_disable_file'] .= "\r\nrequest.php"; } $stylevar['center'] = 'center'; [set_navigation_tab_main] => if (defined('VBBLOG_SCRIPT')) { $root = 'vbtab_blog'; // Blogs root tab } if (defined('PROJECT_SCRIPT')) { $root = 'vbtab_project'; // Project root tab } [usersub_start] => $vbulletin->templatecache['USERCP_SHELL'] = str_replace( '$vbphrase[edit_email_and_password] ', '$vbphrase[edit_email_and_password] $vbphrase[edit_arcade_options] ', $vbulletin->templatecache['USERCP_SHELL'] ); [calendar_viewreminder_start] => $vbulletin->templatecache['USERCP_SHELL'] = str_replace( '$vbphrase[edit_email_and_password] ', '$vbphrase[edit_email_and_password] $vbphrase[edit_arcade_options] ', $vbulletin->templatecache['USERCP_SHELL'] ); [profile_start] => $vbulletin->templatecache['USERCP_SHELL'] = str_replace( '$vbphrase[edit_email_and_password] ', '$vbphrase[edit_email_and_password] $vbphrase[edit_arcade_options] ', $vbulletin->templatecache['USERCP_SHELL'] ); if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'editarcade') { // Cache those templates. (Only one at the moment, but give it time.) $globaltemplates = array('arcade_usersettings'); cache_templates($globaltemplates, $style['templatelist']); // draw cp nav bar construct_usercp_nav('arcade'); // Add in Arcade user options. $vbulletin->userinfo = array_merge(convert_bits_to_array($vbulletin->userinfo['arcadeoptions'], $vbulletin->bf_misc_arcadeoptions), $vbulletin->userinfo); // Check the appropriate checkboxes. $checked = array(); foreach ($vbulletin->userinfo AS $key => $val) { if ($val != 0) { $checked["$key"] = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked["$key"] = ''; } } $navbits[''] = $vbphrase['editing_arcade_settings']; $templatename = 'arcade_usersettings'; } if ($_POST['do'] == 'updatearcade') { require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_misc.php'); $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array( 'arcadeoptions' => TYPE_ARRAY_BOOL, 'set_arcadeoptions' => TYPE_ARRAY_BOOL )); $userdata =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_STANDARD); $userdata->set_existing($vbulletin->userinfo); $userdata->bitfields['arcadeoptions'] = $vbulletin->bf_misc_arcadeoptions; // options bitfield foreach ($vbulletin->bf_misc_arcadeoptions AS $key => $val) { if (isset($vbulletin->GPC['arcadeoptions']["$key"]) OR isset($vbulletin->GPC['set_arcadeoptions']["$key"])) { $value = $vbulletin->GPC['arcadeoptions']["$key"]; $userdata->set_bitfield('arcadeoptions', $key, $value); } } $userdata->save(); $vbulletin->url = 'arcade.php' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q']; eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_updatethanks')); } [usercp_start] => $vbulletin->templatecache['USERCP_SHELL'] = str_replace( '$vbphrase[edit_email_and_password] ', '$vbphrase[edit_email_and_password] $vbphrase[edit_arcade_options] ', $vbulletin->templatecache['USERCP_SHELL'] ); [showthread_post_start] => $vbulletin->templatecache['postbit'] = preg_replace( '/<\/table>\s*?<\/div>\s*?/', ' " . (($post[\'arcadeawards\']) ? ("" . construct_phrase("$vbphrase[xs_arcade_awards]", "$post[username]") . " $post[arcadeawards]") : ("")) . " " . ((($post[\'arcadeoptions\'] & 1) AND $post[\'userid\'] != $GLOBALS[\'vbulletin\']->userinfo[\'userid\']) ? ("$vbphrase[arcade] " . construct_phrase("$vbphrase[challenge_x_in_the_arcade]", "$post[username]") . "") : ("")) . " \\0', $vbulletin->templatecache['postbit']); $vbulletin->templatecache['postbit'] = preg_replace( '/\$post\[musername\]<\/a>/', '\\0 " . (($post[\'arcadeawards\']) ? ("session->vars[\'sessionurl\'] . "u=$post[userid]\">options[\'arcadeimages\'] . "/trophy.gif\" alt=\"$vbphrase[arcade_champion]\" border=\"0\" />") : ("")) . " ', $vbulletin->templatecache['postbit']); [usercp_nav_start] => $cells[] = 'arcade'; $cells[] = 'ptsubscriptions'; [online_location_process] => if($filename=='arcade.php') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'arcade'; } $vbfploc = $vbulletin->db->query_first(" SELECT value FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "vbfp_option WHERE varname = 'vbfp_url' "); $vbfplocation = substr(str_replace($vbulletin->options['homeurl'], '', $vbfploc['value']), 1); if ($filename == $vbfplocation) { $userinfo['activity'] = 'vbfp'; } blog_online_location_process($userinfo, $values, $filename); if (substr($filename, 0, 5) == 'issue') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'projecttools'; } else if (substr($filename, 0, 9) == 'issuelist') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'projecttools'; } else if (substr($filename, 0, 9) == 'milestone') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'projecttools'; } else if (substr($filename, 0, 7) == 'project') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'projecttools'; } else if (substr($filename, 0, 17) == 'projectattachment') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'projecttools'; } else if (substr($filename, 0, 16) == 'projectmilestone') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'projecttools'; } else if (substr($filename, 0, 11) == 'projectpost') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'projecttools'; } else if (substr($filename, 0, 13) == 'projectsearch') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'projecttools'; } else if (substr($filename, 0, 15) == 'projecttimeline') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'projecttools'; } else if ($filename == 'archive_project') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'archive_project'; } if ($filename == 'members.php') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'members'; } if ($filename == 'helpdesk.php') { $userinfo['activity'] = 'helpdesk'; } [userdata_start] => $this->validfields['svnusername'] = array(TYPE_STR, REQ_NO); $this->validfields['bloggroupreqcount'] = array(TYPE_UINT, REQ_NO); $this->validfields['showblogcss'] = array(TYPE_UINT, REQ_NO); $this->validfields['custnum'] = array(TYPE_STR, REQ_NO); $this->validfields['ma_password'] = array(TYPE_STR, REQ_NO); $this->validfields['ma_info'] = array(TYPE_STR, REQ_NO); require_once(DIR . '/packages/skimlinks/hooks/userdata_start.php'); [userdata_doset] => if ($fieldname == 'svnusername') { $tables = array('user'); } [pagenav_complete] => if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'portal_index') { $jumpaddress = $address; } [cache_templates] => $cache[] = 'arcade_navbar_link'; $cache[] = 'statistic_header_java'; $cache[] = 'bbcode_code'; $cache[] = 'bbcode_html'; $cache[] = 'bbcode_php'; $cache[] = 'bbcode_quote'; if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'portal_index') { $PAGE_IDENT = $GLOBALS['PAGE_IDENT']; $vbfp_options = $GLOBALS['vbfp_options']; $pagecache = $GLOBALS['pagecache']; $pagecache_exp = $GLOBALS['pagecache_exp']; $modulecache = $GLOBALS['modulecache']; $page_options_cache = $GLOBALS['page_options_cache']; $vbfp_perm_cache = $GLOBALS['vbfp_perm_cache']; $page = $GLOBALS['page']; $page_options_cache = $page_options_cache["$PAGE_IDENT"]; $vbfp_perms = $vbfp_perm_cache["$PAGE_IDENT"]; // getting the style ID for this page if ($page['styleid'] != 0) { $styleid = $page['styleid']; } $module_in_page = array(); $template_in_page = array(); $module_name_array = array(); $special_in_page = array(); if ($pagecache_exp["$PAGE_IDENT"]["$styleid"]['expert'] == 1) { define('EXPERT_MODE', 1); $PAGE_STYLEID = $styleid; if (!empty($pagecache_exp["$PAGE_IDENT"]["$styleid"]['modules'])) { foreach ($pagecache_exp["$PAGE_IDENT"]["$styleid"]['modules'] AS $module_name) { if ($vbfp_perms["$styleid"]["$module_name"]['canview'][$vbulletin->userinfo[usergroupid]] == 1) { $module = preg_replace('/^(.+?)(_\d+?|)$/', '\\1', $module_name); if (!in_array(trim($module), $module_in_page)) { $module_in_page[] = trim($module); // templates foreach ($modulecache["$module"]['templates'] AS $template) { $template_in_page[] = $template; } // others templates if ($modulecache["$module"]['othertemplates'] != '') { $other_tmp = explode(',', $modulecache["$module"]['othertemplates']); foreach ($other_tmp AS $other) { $template_in_page[] = $other; } } // special templates if ($modulecache["$module"]['specialtemplates'] != '') { $special_tmp = explode(',', $modulecache["$module"]['specialtemplates']); foreach ($special_tmp AS $special) { $special_in_page["$module_name"][] = "'" . trim($vbulletin->db->escape_string($special)) . "'"; } } } $module_name_array["$module_name"] = $module; } } } } else { if (is_array($page['modules'])) { $PAGE_STYLEID = 0; foreach ($page['modules'] AS $colonne => $tmp1) { foreach ($tmp1 AS $module_name) { if ($vbfp_perms[0]["$module_name"]['canview'][$vbulletin->userinfo[usergroupid]] == 1) { $module = preg_replace('/^(.+?)(_\d+?|)$/', '\\1', $module_name); if (!in_array(trim($module), $module_in_page)) { $module_in_page[] = trim($module); foreach ($modulecache["$module"]['templates'] AS $template) { $template_in_page[] = $template; } if ($modulecache["$module"]['othertemplates'] != '') { $other_tmp = explode(',', $modulecache["$module"]['othertemplates']); foreach ($other_tmp AS $other) { $template_in_page[] = $other; } } if ($modulecache["$module"]['specialtemplates'] != '') { $special_tmp = explode(',', $modulecache["$module"]['specialtemplates']); foreach ($special_tmp AS $special) { $special_in_page["$module_name"][] = "'" . trim($vbulletin->db->escape_string($special)) . "'"; } } } $module_name_array["$module_name"] = $module; } } } } } $cache = array_merge($cache, $template_in_page); unset($module_name); //Getting importants settings of the page if (is_array($page_options_cache["$PAGE_STYLEID"]['vbfp'])) { foreach($page_options_cache["$PAGE_STYLEID"]['vbfp'] AS $varname => $value) { $vbfp_options["$varname"] = $value; } } } $cache[] = 'vbfp_navbar_link'; if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'member') { $globaltemplates[] = 'memarea_profileblock'; } $globaltemplates[] = 'memarea_navbar_link'; $globaltemplates[] = 'memarea_navbar_purchase_link'; if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'membersarea') { $globaltemplates[] = 'memarea_clients_helpdesk'; $globaltemplates[] = 'memarea_main_menu_helpdesk'; } switch(THIS_SCRIPT) { case 'search': $cache[] = 'blog_search_results_result'; break; case 'profile': $cache[] = 'modifyattachmentsbit_entry'; break; case 'member': $addtemplates = array( 'blog_blog_row', 'blog_member_block', 'blog_member_css', 'blog_home_list_entry', 'blog_entry_category', 'blog_entry_profile', 'blog_entry_profile_featured', 'blog_comment_profile', 'blog_member_ministats', 'blog_member_stats', 'blog_taglist', 'activitystream_blog_entry', 'activitystream_blog_comment', ); $cache = array_merge($addtemplates, $cache); break; case 'index': $cache[] = 'blog_forumhome_stats'; break; case 'tags': $cache[] = 'blog_search_results_result'; break; case 'activity': $cache[] = 'activitystream_blog_entry'; $cache[] = 'activitystream_blog_comment'; break; } // Check that the viewer can access the blog if ($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_general_permissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_vbblog_general_permissions['blog_canviewothers'] OR ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_general_permissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_vbblog_general_permissions['blog_canviewown'])) { $cache[] = 'blog_postbit_blog_this_post'; if (in_array('usercp_nav_folderbit', $cache)) { $cache[] = 'blog_usercp_nav_link'; } if (in_array('postbit', $cache)) { $cache[] = 'blog_postbit_entries_link'; $cache[] = 'blog_postbit_blog_link'; } define('VBBLOG_CACHED_TEMPLATES', true); } if (defined('VBBLOG_PERMS') AND defined('GET_EDIT_TEMPLATES')) { if (GET_EDIT_TEMPLATES === true OR in_array($_REQUEST['do'], $_get_edit_templates)) { $cache = array_merge($cache, array( 'blog_bbcode_code', 'blog_bbcode_html', 'blog_bbcode_php', 'blog_bbcode_quote', )); } } $cache[] = 'fr_redirect'; $cache = array_merge($cache, array('gdpr_footer', 'gdpr_header')); $pt_templates = array( 'pt_navbar_link', 'pt_headinclude', 'vbcms_widget_recentptissues_page', 'vbcms_widget_recentptcomments_page', ); switch (THIS_SCRIPT) { case 'index': case 'forumdisplay': if ($vbulletin->options['pt_hasprojectforums']) { $pt_templates[] = 'pt_forumbit_project'; $pt_templates[] = 'pt_markread_script'; $pt_templates[] = 'pt_subforumbit_project'; $pt_templates[] = 'pt_projectbit_typecount'; } $pt_templates[] = 'block_issues'; $pt_templates[] = 'pt_forumhome_legend'; break; case 'usercp': $pt_templates[] = 'pt_issuebit'; $pt_templates[] = 'pt_usercp_subscriptions'; break; case 'member': $pt_templates[] = 'pt_member_findissues_37'; break; case 'search': $pt_templates[] = 'pt_checkbox_optgroup'; $pt_templates[] = 'pt_checkbox_option'; $pt_templates[] = 'search_input_ptissue'; $pt_templates[] = 'search_input_ptissuenote'; $pt_templates[] = 'search_results_ptissue'; $pt_templates[] = 'search_results_ptissuenote'; break; case 'showthread': $pt_templates[] = 'pt_postbit_create_issue'; $pt_templates[] = 'pt_postbit_link_issue'; $pt_templates[] = 'pt_showthread_adminoptions'; break; case 'activity': $pt_templates[] = 'activitystream_project_issue'; $pt_templates[] = 'activitystream_project_issuenote'; break; } if (in_array('usercp_nav_folderbit', $cache)) { $pt_templates[] = 'pt_usercp_navbit'; } $cache = array_merge($cache, $pt_templates); unset($pt_templates); [forumhome_start] => if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'newscore' && $_REQUEST['act'] == 'Arcade') { require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_arcade.php'); // That's right kids, datatype checking is usually a grand idea. $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array( 'gscore' => TYPE_UINT, 'gname' => TYPE_STR )); if (!$game = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "arcade_games AS arcade_games WHERE shortname='" . addslashes($vbulletin->GPC['gname']) . "'")) { exit; } // Create a session record. $db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "arcade_sessions (gameid,gamename,userid,start,sessiontype,challengeid,score,finish) VALUES ('" . $game['gameid'] . "', '" . addslashes($vbulletin->GPC['gname']) . "','" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . "', '" . TIMENOW . "', 1, 0, '" . $vbulletin->GPC['gscore'] . "', '" . TIMENOW . "')"); // Fetch the ID number of the session we just inserted. $lastid = $db->insert_id(); header('Location: arcade.php?sessdo=burn&id=' . $lastid . 'µone=' . getmicrotime()); exit; } if ($vbulletin->options['pt_hasprojectforums']) { require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_pt_forumbit.php'); pt_forumbit_setup($project_forums, $project_types); } [bbcode_parse_start] => foreach ($this->tag_list['option'] AS $tag => $bbcode) { if (strpos($bbcode['html'], '{option1}')) { $this->tag_list['option']["$tag"]['replace'] = preg_replace('/\{option(\d+)\}/e', "'%' . (intval('\\1')+1) . '\$s'", $bbcode['html']); unset($this->tag_list['option']["$tag"]['html']); $this->tag_list['option']["$tag"]['callback'] = 'handle_external'; $this->tag_list['option']["$tag"]['external_callback'] = 'handle_bbcode_multioption'; } } if (!empty($this->parse_userinfo['permissions'])) { switch($forumid) { case 'blog_entry': case 'blog_user': $dohtml = ($this->parse_userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_entry_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_entry_permissions['blog_allowhtml']); $dobbcode = ($this->parse_userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_entry_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_entry_permissions['blog_allowbbcode']); $dobbimagecode = ($this->parse_userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_entry_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_entry_permissions['blog_allowimages']); $dobbvideocode = ($this->parse_userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_entry_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_entry_permissions['blog_allowvideos']); $dosmilies = ($allowsmilie AND ($this->parse_userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_entry_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_entry_permissions['blog_allowsmilies'])); break; case 'blog_comment': $dohtml = ($this->parse_userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_comment_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_comment_permissions['blog_allowhtml']); $dobbcode = ($this->parse_userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_comment_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_comment_permissions['blog_allowbbcode']); $dobbimagecode = ($this->parse_userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_comment_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_comment_permissions['blog_allowimages']); $dobbvideocode = ($this->parse_userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_comment_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_comment_permissions['blog_allowvideos']); $dosmilies = ($allowsmilie AND ($this->parse_userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_comment_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_comment_permissions['blog_allowsmilies'])); break; } } if ($forumid == 'pt') { // project tools area $dohtml = $this->registry->options['pt_allowhtml']; $dobbcode = $this->registry->options['pt_allowbbcode']; $dobbimagecode = $this->registry->options['pt_allowbbimagecode']; $dosmilies = $this->registry->options['pt_allowsmilies']; } [bbcode_fetch_tags] => if (!function_exists('handle_bbcode_multioption')) { function handle_bbcode_multioption(&$parser, $param, $options) { $taginfo = $parser->tag_list['option'][$parser->current_tag['name']]; $replace = array($param); $replace = array_merge($param, explode('|', $options)); return @vsprintf($taginfo['replace'], $replace); } } if (($vbulletin->options['allowedbbcodes'] & ALLOW_BBCODE_URL) OR $force_all) { // [ISSUE] $tag_list['no_option']['issue'] = array( 'html' => 'options['friendlyurl'] ? ' rel="nofollow"' : '') . '>' . $forum_path_full . 'issue.php?issueid=%1$s', 'data_regex' => '#^\d+$#', 'strip_empty' => true ); // [ISSUE=XXX] $tag_list['option']['issue'] = array( 'html' => 'options['friendlyurl'] ? ' rel="nofollow"' : '') . ' title="' . htmlspecialchars_uni($vbulletin->options['bbtitle']) . ' - ' . $vbphrase['issue'] . ' %2$s">%1$s', 'option_regex' => '#^\d+$#', 'strip_empty' => true ); } [postbit_display_complete] => $mepattern = '/(^|\n|\r)\/me([^\r\n]+)/is'; if(preg_match($mepattern, $this->post['message'])) { $this->post['message'] = preg_replace($mepattern, '$1* ' . $this->post['username'] . '$2', $this->post['message']); } $forumperms = fetch_permissions($this->thread['forumid']); $show['createptissue'] = ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ptpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_ptpermissions['canimportintoissues']) ? true : false; // Add link to promote the post as an issue if ($show['createptissue'] AND (!$post['forwardlink'] AND THIS_SCRIPT != 'usernote' AND THIS_SCRIPT != 'announcement')) { $templater = vB_Template::create('pt_postbit_create_issue'); $templater->register('post', $post); $template_hook['postbit_controls'] .= $templater->render(); } // Add a little text next to the post title saying the thread has been moved $issueinfos = unserialize($post['pt_issueimport']); if ($issueinfos['pt_issueid'] > 0 AND $issueinfos['pt_forwardmode'] == 1) { if (!empty($post['title'])) { $show['pt_separator'] = true; } // Querying the issue title for the link... $issuetitle = $this->registry->db->query_first(" SELECT title FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pt_issue WHERE issueid = " . intval($issueinfos['pt_issueid']) . " "); $issueinfos['title'] = $issuetitle['title']; $templater = vB_Template::create('pt_postbit_link_issue'); $templater->register('post', $post); $templater->register('issueinfos', $issueinfos); $post['title'] .= $templater->render(); } if (defined('VBBLOG_CACHED_TEMPLATES')) { if ($post['entries'] > 0) { $templater = vB_Template::create('blog_postbit_entries_link'); $templater->register('post', $post); $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= $templater->render(); $templater = vB_Template::create('blog_postbit_blog_link'); $templater->register('post', $post); $template_hook['postbit_user_popup'] .= $templater->render(); } if ( $this->registry->options['vbblog_blogthispost'] AND strtolower(get_class($this)) == 'vb_postbit_post' AND $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_general_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_general_permissions['blog_canviewown'] AND $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_entry_permissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_vbblog_entry_permissions['blog_canpost'] AND $this->registry->userinfo['userid'] ) { $templater = vB_Template::create('blog_postbit_blog_this_post'); $templater->register('post', $post); $template_hook['postbit_controls'] .= $templater->render(); } } // Do it in the post title $this->post['title'] = str_replace('{username}', $this->registry->userinfo['username'], $this->post['title']); // Do it in the post message $this->post['message'] = str_replace('{username}', $this->registry->userinfo['username'], $this->post['message']); require(DIR . '/packages/skimlinks/hooks/postbit_display_complete.php'); [showthread_query] => // Get the contenttypeid $contenttypeid = vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeID('vBForum_Post'); $hook_query_fields .= ', pt_issueimport.data AS pt_issueimport'; $hook_query_joins .= "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pt_issueimport AS pt_issueimport ON (pt_issueimport.contentid = post.postid AND pt_issueimport.contenttypeid = $contenttypeid)"; $hook_query_fields .= ",blog_user.entries"; $hook_query_joins .= "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "blog_user AS blog_user ON (blog_user.bloguserid = post.userid)"; [global_complete] => if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'portal_index') { if ($vbulletin->debug) { function fixAmps(&$html, $offset) { $positionAmp = strpos($html, '&', $offset); $positionSemiColumn = strpos($html, ';', $positionAmp + 1); $string = substr($html, $positionAmp, $positionSemiColumn - $positionAmp + 1); if ($positionAmp !== false) { // If an '&' can be found. if ($positionSemiColumn === false) { // If no ';' can be found. $html = substr_replace($html, '&', $positionAmp, 1); // Replace straight away. } else if (preg_match('/&(#[0-9]+|[A-Z|a-z|0-9]+);/', $string) === 0) { // If a standard escape cannot be found. $html = substr_replace($html, '&', $positionAmp, 1); // This mean we need to escapa the '&' sign. fixAmps($html, $positionAmp + 5); // Recursive call from the new position. } else { fixAmps($html, $positionAmp + 1); // Recursive call from the new position. } } } $dom = new DOMDocument(); fixAmps($output, 0); @$dom->loadHTML($output); $xpath = new DOMXpath($dom); $data = $xpath->evaluate("//span[text()='Queries Executed']//parent::li//a"); foreach ($data AS $node) { $node->setAttribute('href', str_replace($node->getAttribute("href"), $vbulletin->options['homeurl'] . '' . $node->getAttribute("href"), $node->getAttribute("href"))); } $output = $dom->saveXML(); // Replace the character '& #13 ;'. Needs to be re-added each time this module is saved without any space in it! $output = str_replace(' ', '', $output); // Remove the xml from first line $output = preg_replace('#\\<\\?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"ISO-8859-1\\" standalone=\\"yes\\"\\?\\>#', '', $output); // Replace one of the 2 xmlns added by missing xmlns:fb $output = preg_replace('#xmlns=\\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\\"#', 'xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"', $output, 1); // Remove any $output = str_replace('', '', $output); } } [init_startup] => //if ('THIS_SCRIPT' == 'portal_index') //{ // define more simple variables $vbfp_options =& $vbulletin->vbfp_option; $pagecache =& $vbulletin->vbfp_page; $pagecache_exp =& $vbulletin->vbfp_page_exp; $modulecache =& $vbulletin->vbfp_module; $page_options_cache =& $vbulletin->vbfp_poption; $vbfp_perm_cache =& $vbulletin->vbfp_permission; $GLOBALS['vbfp_options'] = $vbfp_options; $GLOBALS['pagecache'] = $pagecache; $GLOBALS['pagecache_exp'] = $pagecache_exp; $GLOBALS['modulecache'] = $modulecache; $GLOBALS['page_options_cache'] = $page_options_cache; $GLOBALS['vbfp_perm_cache'] = $vbfp_perm_cache; if ($vbulletin->config['debugcode']) { echo __LINE__; } if ($vbfp_options) { $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', $vbfp_options['page_ident'], TYPE_STR); if ($vbulletin->GPC["$vbfp_options[page_ident]"] != '') { $page_ident = $vbulletin->GPC["$vbfp_options[page_ident]"]; foreach ($pagecache AS $ident => $tmp) { if (strtolower($ident) == strtolower($page_ident)) { $GLOBALS['page'] = $tmp; $GLOBALS['PAGE_IDENT'] = $ident; $GLOBALS['PAGE_TITLE'] = $tmp['ident']; } } } } if ($pagecache) { foreach ($pagecache AS $ident => $tmp) { if ($tmp['defaut']) { if ($page_ident == '') { $GLOBALS['page'] = $tmp; $GLOBALS['PAGE_IDENT'] = $ident; $GLOBALS['PAGE_TITLE'] = $tmp['ident']; } $GLOBALS['IS_DEFAUT'] = $ident; } } } if (isset($GLOBALS['page'])) { $page = $GLOBALS['page']; if (is_array($page['modules'])) { foreach ($page['modules'] AS $colonne => $tmp1) { foreach ($tmp1 AS $name) { if (preg_match('/^(.+?)(_\d+|)$/i', $name, $match)) { $module = $match[1]; if ($modulecache["$module"]['phrasegroups'] != '') { if (is_array($GLOBALS['phrasegroups'])) { $GLOBALS['phrasegroups'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['phrasegroups'], explode(',', $modulecache["$module"]['phrasegroups'])); } else { $GLOBALS['phrasegroups'] = explode(',', $modulecache["$module"]['phrasegroups']); } } } } } } } // Disable all Facebook related options $vbulletin->options['enablefacebookconnect'] = false; //} switch('THIS_SCRIPT') { case 'member': if (!defined('VBBLOG_PERMS')) { define('VBBLOG_PERMS', 1); } $GLOBALS['phrasegroups'][] = 'vbblogglobal'; $datastore_fetch[] = "'blogcategorycache'"; break; case 'index': $datastore_fetch[] = "'blogcategorycache'"; $datastore_fetch[] = "'blogstats'"; break; case 'online': require_once(DIR . '/includes/blog_functions_online.php'); break; } if ('THIS_SCRIPT' == 'member') { $datastore_fetch[] = "'ma_userinfo'"; } if (VB_AREA == 'Forum') { switch ('THIS_SCRIPT') { case 'index': case 'forumdisplay': $GLOBALS['phrasegroups'][] = 'projecttools'; if ($vbulletin->options['pt_hasprojectforums']) { $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_bitfields'"; $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_permissions'"; $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_projects'"; } break; case 'usercp': case 'member': case 'profile': $GLOBALS['phrasegroups'][] = 'projecttools'; $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_bitfields'"; $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_issuestatus'"; $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_issuetype'"; $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_permissions'"; break; case 'attachment': case 'newattachment': $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_bitfields'"; $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_permissions'"; break; case 'activity': $GLOBALS['phrasegroups'][] = 'projecttools'; $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_bitfields'"; $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_permissions'"; $datastore_fetch[] = "'pt_projects'"; break; } } [userdata_update_username] => // blog 'username' $this->dbobject->query_write(" UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "blog SET username = '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($username) . "' WHERE userid = $userid "); $this->dbobject->query_write(" UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "blog SET postedby_username = '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($username) . "' WHERE postedby_userid = $userid "); // blogtext 'username' $this->dbobject->query_write(" UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "blog_text SET username = '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($username) . "' WHERE userid = $userid "); // user last commenter 'username' $this->dbobject->query_write(" UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "blog_user SET lastcommenter = '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($username) . "' WHERE lastcommenter = '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($this->existing['username']) . "' "); // blog last commenter 'username' $this->dbobject->query_write(" UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "blog SET lastcommenter = '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($username) . "' WHERE lastcommenter = '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($this->existing['username']) . "' "); // deletionlog 'username' $this->dbobject->query_write(" UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "blog_deletionlog SET username = '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($username) . "' WHERE userid = $userid "); // editlog 'username' $this->dbobject->query_write(" UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "blog_editlog SET username = '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($username) . "' WHERE userid = $userid "); $this->dbobject->query_write(" UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pt_issue SET submitusername = '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($username) . "' WHERE submituserid = $userid "); [userdata_delete] => $vbulletin =& $this->registry; require_once(DIR . '/includes/blog_functions.php'); $userdm = datamanager_init('Blog_User', $this->registry, ERRTYPE_SILENT); $existing = array('bloguserid' => $this->existing['userid']); $userdm->set_existing($existing); $userdm->set_info('verifyuser', array('userid' => $this->existing['userid'], 'username' => $this->existing['username'])); $userdm->delete(); unset($userdm); require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_pt_usertools.php'); process_pt_user_delete($this); [showpost_start] => $hook_query_fields .= ",blog_user.entries"; $hook_query_joins .= "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "blog_user AS blog_user ON (blog_user.bloguserid = post.userid)"; [project_issue_complete] => $attachmentsize = vb_number_format($vbulletin->options['pt_attachmentsize'], '', true); $vbulletin->templatecache['pt_issue'] = preg_replace('/
    \$vbphrase\[total_attachments\]<\/span> \$issue\[attachcount\]/', '\\0
    $vbphrase[pt_display_max_attach_size]: $attachmentsize', $vbulletin->templatecache['pt_issue']); [showthread_getinfo] => // Get the contenttypeid $contenttypeid = vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeID('vBForum_Thread'); $issuedata = $db->query_first(" SELECT data FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pt_issueimport WHERE contenttypeid = $contenttypeid AND contentid = $thread[threadid] "); $issueinfos = unserialize($issuedata['data']); if ($issueinfos['visible'] == 'visible') { if (intval($issueinfos['pt_issueid']) > 0 AND $issueinfos['pt_forwardmode'] == 1) { exec_header_redirect('issue.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_js'] . "issueid=$issueinfos[pt_issueid]"); } } [showthread_complete] => $show['createptissue'] = ($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['ptpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_ptpermissions['canimportintoissues']) ? true : false; $show['adminoptions'] = $show['adminoptions'] OR $show['createptissue']; if ($show['createptissue']) { if (version_compare($vbulletin->options['templateversion'], '4.1.8', '>=')) { $template_hook['showthread_adminoptions'] .= vB_Template::create('pt_showthread_adminoptions')->render(); } else { $vbulletin->templatecache['SHOWTHREAD'] = preg_replace('#postings\.php" method="post">[\r\n\t]+